Documentation forNetFlow Traffic Analyzer
Analyzing network traffic and bandwidth is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Advanced edition. NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) is also available in a standalone module.

NetFlow Applications Summary

Application Details

The Application Details widget provides a table that contains the relevant application name, port used by the application, total amount of traffic data within the selected period of time, and the total number of packets sent within the selected period of time.

Top 5 Protocols

The Top 5 Protocols widget provides a view of the traffic protocols the selected application uses most. The table below the chart provides the protocol type, the amount of data, the total number of packets, and the percentage of all traffic that has been using each listed protocol.

Top 5 Types of Service

The Top 5 Types of Service widget provides a view of the most active services employed by the selected application. The table below the chart provides the type of service, the amount of traffic handled by the service, the number of packets handled by the service, and the percentage of all serviced traffic to the selected application that is handled by the selected type of service

Total Bytes Transferred

The Total Bytes Transferred widget displays a chart that details the total number of bytes that are transferred by the selected application over a specified period of time.

Unique Visitors

The Unique Visitors widget provides a chart that details the number of unique IP addresses that have used the selected application over a specified period of time.

Total Packets Transferred

The Total Packets Transferred widget displays a chart that details the total number of packets transferred by the selected application over a specified period of time.

Top 5 Transmitters

The Top 5 Transmitters widget provides a view of the most active transmitting endpoints using the selected application. The table below the chart provides the name or IP address of the endpoint, the amount of traffic that is transmitted by the endpoint, and the percentage of all transmitted traffic that is traceable to the endpoint.

You can click each listed endpoint to open the NetFlow Endpoint view that presents similar statistics for each transmitting endpoint. For more information, see NetFlow Endpoints Summary.

Top 5 Receivers

The Top 5 Receivers widget provides a view of the most active receiving endpoints using the selected application. The table below the chart provides the name or IP address of the endpoint, the amount of traffic that is received by the endpoint, and the percentage of all received traffic that is traceable to the endpoint.

You can click each listed endpoint to open the NetFlow Endpoint view that presents similar statistics for each receiving endpoint. For more information, see NetFlow Endpoints Summary.

Top 5 Traffic Sources by Country

The Top 5 Traffic Sources by Country widget provides a view of the countries where traffic on the selected application originates, ranked by percentage of total application traffic. The table below the chart provides the name of the country, the amount of traffic that is sourced in the country, and the percentage of all traffic that is traceable to the country.

Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Country

The Top 5 Traffic Destinations by Country widget provides a view of the countries that serve as destinations of traffic on the selected application, ranked by percentage of total application traffic. The table below the chart provides the name of the country, the amount of application traffic that is routed to endpoints in the country, and the percentage of all application traffic traceable to endpoints in the country.

Top 5 Conversations

The Top 5 Conversations widget provides a list of the most bandwidth-heavy conversations routed through the selected device, using the selected application. Conversations are listed with the amount of data transferred in the conversation, in both bytes and packets, and the percentage of total application traffic generated by the conversation. Clicking a conversation opens the NetFlow Conversation view for the selected conversation. For more information, see NetFlow Conversations Summary.