This widget, or resource, displays in and out bandwidth for up to three favorite interfaces.
Specify interfaces to display
- Go to the Interfaces subview.
- Click the star for interfaces whose in and out bandwidth over time you want to see.
The interfaces become "favorites," and are displayed in the Bandwidth widget on the ASA Node Details - Summary view.
Change displayed interfaces
You can specify up to three favorite interfaces. To change favorites when the maximum number is reached, clear a favorite and select another interface.
- Go to the Interfaces subview.
- Clear the star for a favorite interface.
- Click the star for the interface to display on the Summary tab.
Your favorite interfaces on the Bandwidth resource are adjusted.
Change the displayed time
Click the currently displayed time (bold text) and specify the date and time for which you want to see bandwidth data for favorite interfaces.
Use the arrows next to the displayed time to see earlier or later time periods.