All Nodes
The All Nodes widget provides a list of the nodes that are currently monitored by NPM.
Click a node name to open the Details view for the selected node.
The default version of this widget displayed on the EnergyWise view groups nodes into EnergyWise-related groups, based on whether each node is EnergyWise capable and enabled.
How is the status of a collection of nodes calculated?
When the widget displays a status of a collection of nodes with a potentially different status, the status depends on the status rollup mode setting.
Customize the widget
- Click Edit to customize the Title and Subtitle.
- To limit displayed objects, enter a SQL query into the Filter field.
- For the tree version of the widget, you can select a node property for grouping the nodes into three levels.
- When you are finished editing the widget, click Submit.
Widget versions
The widget occurs in the following versions:
All Nodes
The All Nodes widget provides a list of nodes, grouped by node property. Monitored nodes are listed in a tree, grouped by node property, with a status icon and the node name displayed for each node.
All Nodes - Table
For each node monitored by NPM, the All Nodes - Table widget provides a status icon, the node name, a status description, the node’s last measured response time, and a percentage measure of packet loss.
All Nodes - Tree
The All Nodes - Tree widget provides a status icon and the node name for each node monitored by NPM.