Report Writer Select Fields Options tab (deprecated SolarWinds Platform feature)
Select the data fields in a report.
- Click Select Fields.
- If you are creating a new report or adding fields to an existing report, click the ellipsis, select Add a new field, and then dynamically define each new report field.
- Click the asterisk after Field, and then select the type of information to include in the current report field.
- To sort the data in the current field, click the sort asterisk and select a sort order.
- To perform an operation on the data in the current field, click the function asterisk and select an operation.
- If you are modifying an existing report, click the Field, sort, or function that you want to change and select a new value.
- Click the asterisk after Field.
- Select the type of information to include in the current report field.
- To sort the data in the current field, click the asterisk after Sort and select a sort order.
- To perform an operation on the data in the current field, click the asterisk after Function and select an operation.
- To test that your selections will give you the results you want, click Execute SQL Query to view the current query results.
- To delete a field or rearrange the order of the fields that are listed in your report, select a field, click Browse, and then select the appropriate action.
Cleared fields are not displayed in your report, but their sort and function configurations are retained.
- To preview your report, click Preview.