NCM Audit |
These reports display the results of audit checks.
Config Transfer Audit: Displays information on config transfers.
Real Time Change Detection Audit: Displays change notification messages on nodes within the network.
User Activity Tracking Report: Displays relevant information on node activity within the network.
Vulnerability State Change Audit: Displays information about vulnerability state changes.
NCM Brocade Inventory |
These reports display information about the physical entites and agent config modules running on the chassis of Brocade devices.
Brocade Agent Config Module: Displays information on Brocade agent config modules running in chassis.
Brocade Chassis Serial Number: Displays the serial number for a Brocade chassis.
Brocade Chassis Unit Serial Number: Displays the serial numbers for units within a Brocade chassis.
NCM Cisco Inventory |
These reports display information about the physical properties of the system.
Cisco 3750 Stack - Physical Entity: Displays information about physical entities within each device.
Cisco Bootload Images: Displays information related to bootload images within each device.
Cisco Card Data: Displays information about Cisco card data within each device.
Cisco Catalyst Cards: Displays the card in each Catalyst switch.
Cisco Chassis IDs: Displays the chassis ID and serial number for Cisco devices.
Cisco Discovery Protocol: Displays the CDP discovered from each device.
Cisco Fan Tray Status: Lists the operational status information for a device's fans or fan trays.
Cisco Flash File System: Displays the list of files in the flash memory of Cisco devices.
Cisco Flash Memory: Displays the amount of flash memory in Cisco devices.
Cisco FRU Power Status: Lists the power-related administrative status and operational status of the manageable components in the system.
Cisco FRU Power Supply Groups in the system: Displays the redundancy mode and the operational status of the power supply groups in the system.
Cisco IOS Image Details: Displays details of IOS in each Cisco device.
Cisco Memory Pools: Displays memory pools in Cisco devices.
Cisco VLANs: Displays the VLANs to which devices belong.
Memory in Cisco Devices: Displays memory pools in Cisco devices.
Old Cisco Cards: Displays the cards in Cisco devices.
ROM Bootstrap for Cisco Devices: Displays the ROM bootstrap version for selected devices.
NCM F5 Inventory |
These reports provide information about the physical entities of the discovered F5 systems and LTM and GTM object activity details.
Capacity Planning: Displays capacity details such as CPU usage, memory, and throughput relevant to the F5 devices in your network.
Device Inventory: Displays information about the physical entities, software, and state of each F5 device discovered by NCM in your network.
GTM Object Activity: Displays details about Global Traffic Manager object activity that indicates usage rates for the relevant devices.
LTM Node Inventory: Displays status and configuration information about the Local Traffic Manager node.
LTM Object Activity: Displays activity details that indicate usage rates for Local Traffic Manager objects in your NCM-managed network.
NCM Inventory |
These reports provide information about physical entities and network services configured on NCM discovered devices.
ARP Tables: Displays ARP tables from each device.
Interfaces: Displays details about each interface.
IP Addresses on Each Interface: Displays the IP addresses assigned to each device.
Juniper Physical Entities: Displays information about Juniper physical entities within each device.
Last Status Change for Each Interface: Displays the time the status last changed on each interface.
Logical Entities: Displays the logical entities within each device.
Physical Entities (Serial Number): Displays information about physical entities within each device.
Physical Entities (Serial Number) v2: Displays information about physical entities within each device.
Switch Ports: Displays spanning tree and VLAN information on each switch port.
TCP Services: Displays the TCP services on each device.
UDP Services: Displays the UDP services on each device.
NCM Node Details |
These reports provide details such as status, availability, response times, events, and alerts for each node under NCM management.
ACLs with overlapping rules: Shows a summary of ACLs with overlapping rules for all Cisco and Nexus devices.
All Nodes: Displays all nodes managed by NCM.
Backup Status of Running Config: Displays the timestamp for when the current Running config was backed-up or an indication that it has never been backed up.
Backup Status of Startup Config: Displays the timestamp for when the current Startup config was backed-up or an indication that it has never been backed up.
- Baseline vs. Config Conflicts: Lists configs that differ from the associated baselines.
Connection Profiles: Displays the Connection Profile used by each device.
Current IOS Image and Version: Displays the current IOS image and version.
End of Support Devices: Displays devices that are at the end of their support.
Last Boot Time for Each Device: Displays the timestamp for when the device was last booted.
Last Inventory of Each Device: Displays the timestamp for when the device was last inventoried.
Overall Configuration Changes Snapshot: Displays all changes to the Running, Baseline, and Startup configs.
Overall Devices Backed Up vs. Not Backed Up: Displays whether nodes have been backed up.
Overall Devices Inventoried vs. Not Inventoried: Displays whether nodes have been inventoried.
Overall Running vs. Startup Config Conflicts: Displays where the Running config differs from the Startup config.
System Information of Each Device: Displays the System Description, Location and Contact Information discovered from each device.
NCM Polling Status |
These reports provide information about polling and rediscovery cycles.
Devices that do not respond to SNMP: Displays a list of devices that are not responding to SNMP. Use this report to validate the SNMP Community string on each device.
Down Nodes: Displays a list of currently down nodes as recorded in the database.
NCM Route Tables Inventory |
NCM Security |
These reports provide information about logins and security settings.
Community Strings for Each Node: Displays the SNMP community string used by each device.
Login Failure Report: Displays the devices that cannot be logged into and the error information.
Login Information for Each Device: Displays the user name, enable level, and community strings for each device.
Login Status: Displays any error messages relating to login information for each device.
NCM Windows Server Inventory |
These reports provide information about the software and services installed on Windows nodes.
Installed Services: Displays installed services for Windows nodes.
Installed Software: Displays installed software for Windows nodes.
Windows Accounts: Displays Windows accounts for relevant nodes.