Documentation forSolarWinds Service Desk

Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) SSO configuration

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To configure Azure with your SolarWinds Service Desk account you will need to access both your Azure Service Portal and SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD). SolarWinds recommends having them both open at the same time but on separate browser tabs, as you will be going back and forth between the two.

You may connect simultaneously Microsoft Entra (Azure AD) and Google.

Learning options

You canfollow the instructions that guide you through the SSO Configuration process or you can view a video.

  See this video: SolarWinds Service Desk Single Sign-On With Microsoft Azure.


Navigation is dependent upon the steps below in the section titled Configure SSO with Azure.


Some customers choose to provision users with Microsoft Azure Active Directory. See Provisioning with Microsoft Azure (Entra Connect Cloud Sync) for instructions.

Configure SSO with Azure

Step 1: Add SolarWinds Service Desk to your Azure Active Directory

  1. Open your Azure Portal.
  2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory, and then in the left pane under Manage, click Enterprise applications.
  3. Click the New application tab, and under Application type, search for SolarWinds.
  4. Click SolarWinds Service Desk.
  5. At the bottom of the new pane that displays on the right, click Create.

Azure adds SolarWinds Service Desk and opens it.

Step 2: Change the User Assignment Requirement

  1. In SolarWinds Service Desk (SWSD) from within Azure, under Manage in the left pane, click Properties.
  2. Scroll down to User assignment required? and switch the toggle to No. This allows anyone within your Active Directory to authenticate through single sign-on with Azure.
  3. Scroll to the top and click Save.

Step 3: Set up Basic SAML Configuration in Azure

  1. In Azure, under Manage on the left pane, click Single sign-on.

  2. Click SAML.

  3. In the first section titled Basic SAML Configuration, click Edit and provide:
    1. Identifier (Entity ID):
    2. Reply URLs:

      1. Default URL: https://[companyname][companyname]

      2. Add Second URL:[companyname]

    3. Sign On URL:[companyname]

    ESM customers need to edit all domain/account name references to redirect SSO to the organization level. For example:

  4. Click Save.

Step 4: Verify Attributes & Claims Accuracy

  1. Determine which approach you want to use:

  2. In Attributes & Claims, verify that the two different Active Directory fields below contain the same information.

    • Unique Principal Name - see Required claim > Claim name > Edit > Unique User Identifier (Name ID)

    • User Email Address - see Additional claims > Claim name

  3. If the two do not match exactly, SolarWinds suggests you contact Technical Support for assistance.

Step 5: Set up SAML Signing Certificate

  1. In Azure, go to the third section, labeled SAML Signing Certificate.

  2. Download the certificate (Base 64) from the SAML Signing Certification section

  3. Open the Certificate in a text editor.

  4. Copy all the certificate contents and paste them into SolarWinds Service Desk.

Step 6: Set up Login URL, Logout URL, Identifier, and Certificate

  1. In Azure, go to the fourth section, labeled Set up SolarWinds Service Desk.

  2. Provide:

    1. Azure Login URL: (Copied from Azure Login URL)

    2. Logout URL:

    3. Certificate: (Copied from Base 64 certificate via text editor)

  3. Click Update.

Step 7: Test Single Sign-On

  1. Open an incognito tab (or private browsing session) in an internet browser.

  2. Enter your account URL, and then test logging in.

  3. After a successful test, return to SWSD, and add check marks to both boxes under the text field.

    • Create users if they do not exist.

    • Redirect to the SAML login page when logging in by default.

    If the test works for one individual in your domain it will work for all.
  4. Click Update.
    Your single sign-on configuration is complete.

If you receive an error after testing, contact Technical Support for assistance.

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