Display physical layout of interfaces on graphical stencils (Device View)
You can visually display interface status and utilization on the device layout for the following rack-mountable devices:
Cisco Catalyst 2960
Cisco Catalyst 3750
You need to have hardware health monitoring enabled on the device.
EX 2200 Juniper switches
EX 3300 Juniper switches
The physical layout is available on Node Details views, as the Device View tab.
- In the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, go to the node details view for a node that is monitored using SNMP.
Click the Device View subview. Here, you can:
- See the status of interfaces on the physical layout
- Find out more information on individual interfaces
- See interfaces on all switches in a stack
- Display In- and Out-utilization of individual interfaces
- Add unknown interfaces for monitoring
Highlight interfaces with a certain status or interfaces on a VLAN
In the Status filter, select interface statuses to display. Filtered out interfaces become transparent.
In the VLAN filter, select one or more VLANs to highlight interfaces that belong to the selection.
The VLAN filter only displays the first 10 options. If there are more options available, click Show all and make your selection in the Options Picker pop-up.
You can combine the filters.
The filters are included in the browser URL. When sharing URL links, you can change the filters by simply adjusting them in the URL.
Display status details for an interface
Click an interface to display a panel with details on the right.
Click the interface name in the panel to open the Interface Details view.
Add unknown interface for monitoring
Unknown interfaces are displayed as black on the Device View.
If you have Node Management rights, you can add the interface for monitoring.
On the Device View, click a black interface icon.
In the side panel, click Start Monitoring Unknown Interface. This opens the List Resource view for the device.
Select the box for the interface and submit your changes.
The interface status will be reflected in the Device View.
Display In and Out Utilization of interfaces
Click option buttons above the device stencil to display In or Out Utilization of interfaces.
Click an interface box to display more details about the interface.
When you click an unmonitored interface (black port icon) and have Node Management rights, you can add the interface for monitoring. Click the Start Monitoring Unknown Interface link in the panel.
Display Device View for switch stacks
If you have multiple switches in a stack, their layouts are displayed in the order they are configured in the stack.