Uninstall WPM
Uninstalling products may require uninstalling files and editing registries. For technical assistance, contact SolarWinds Support.
You may need to uninstall individual Orion Platform modules and other products to resolve issues or to move to a new server during a migration.
You can uninstall individual Orion Platform modules such as WPM 2020.2.6 and earlier. You cannot uninstall SolarWinds Platform products such as WPM 2022.3 and later.
Complete the following steps to remove WPM 2020.2.6 and earlier.
Before you begin
Prior to uninstalling, SolarWinds recommends the following preparation:
Back up the existing database. |
To preserve your data, back up your database(s). If you need help with backups, check your vendor's site for documentation and instructions. If your database is on a VM, create a snapshot or copy of your VM. If you need software to perform backups and maintenance for Microsoft SQL databases, you can install SQL Server Management Studio Express for your specific version of Microsoft SQL on your database server. |
Back up product folders. | Create copies and backups of your product folders. You may have customizations in these folders specific to your installations. For example, save custom code or reports. |
Uninstall WPM
1. Remove product licenses. |
2. Uninstall SolarWinds products. |
3. Delete or rename SolarWinds folders. |
Delete files from the following locations to fully clear all files. If you installed the SolarWinds Platform server on a different domain, look on that location instead of C:\.
4. Remove specific Registry keys. |
SolarWinds strongly recommends that you back up your registry before editing your system registry. You should only edit the registry if you are experienced and confident in doing so. Using a registry editor incorrectly can cause serious issues with your OS, which could require you to reinstall your OS to correct them. SolarWinds cannot guarantee resolutions to any damage resulting from making registry edits. For assistance, contact Support.
5. Restart and reinstall. | Restart the server. Use the SolarWinds Platform Installer to reinstall WPM and other products. |
Uninstall the entire SolarWinds Platform deployment
Starting with Orion Platform 2019.2, you can run an -uninstall
command to remove the entire SolarWinds Platform deployment using the SolarWinds Platform Installer.
This command removes your entire SolarWinds Platform deployment from the server on which it runs. Do not use this option to remove only one module.
If you deployed scalability engines, run the following steps on your scalability engines (that is, Additional Polling Engines and Additional Web servers) and then repeat the steps on the main polling engine — the SolarWinds Platform server.
- In the command line, run the following command:
'path to exe'\SolarWinds.Orion.Installer.exe -uninstall
- Follow the onscreen instructions to complete the uninstallation.
All SolarWinds Platform products are removed, including all relevant registry entries and folders.