- Release Notes
- Install or Upgrade
- Get Started
- Administer
- The Serv-U Administrator Guide
- Introduction to the Serv-U File Server
- Serv-U editions
- The Serv-U Management Console
- Create a Serv-U domain
- Add a Serv-U user
- Add a Serv-U group
- Set up custom branding for Serv-U
- Serv-U settings
- Serv-U global level settings
- Multifactor authentication
- Serv-U domain level settings
- Group properties
- User properties
- Common topics
- Compare Windows Active Directory and LDAP authentication
- The Serv-U Web Client
- Serv-U file sharing (MFT only)
- Serv-U FTP Voyager JV (MFT only)
- The Serv-U Gateway
- The Legacy Serv-U Web Client
- System variables
Serv-U database groups
Database groups are loaded from the specified ODBC data source. They supplement the local group database. Changes to groups stored in this manner can be done through this interface or one supported by the database.