Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Network Response Time (TCP Handshake) by Node

This widget displays network response time via TCP handshake for the viewed node over time.

To customize this widget for viewing in the web console:

  1. Click Edit.
  2. Edit the chart Title and Subtitle, as appropriate.
  3. Select appropriate values for the Default zoom range, Amount of historical data to load, and Sample interval.
  4. Click Submit to commit customizations.

To export or print chart data:

  1. Click Export.
  2. Customize the chart to format it for export, as follows:
    1. Edit the chart Title and Subtitle, as appropriate, in the Chart Titles section.
    2. Select appropriate values for the Default zoom range, Time Period, and Sample Interval.
    3. Resize the chart by selecting appropriate Width (pixels) and Height (pixels).
      Note: To maintain the same aspect ratio, enter 0 for the Height and vary the Width, as needed.
    4. Click Refresh to review customizations.
    5. Click Submit to commit customizations.
  3. Select the appropriate option on the Custom Chart view:
    • Click Export to PDF in the top right.
    • Click Printable Version in the top right.
    • Click Export to XLS in the Display Chart Data section.
    • Click Export to HTML in the Display Chart Data section.