Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Manage packet loss reporting

To manage the amount of network-wide packet loss reported by SolarWinds, configure the Response Time Retry Count for your polling engine. This setting designates the number of times SolarWinds retries ICMP pings on a monitored device before packet loss is reported.

This configuration change requires an insertion into your SolarWinds Platform database. If possible in your environment, SolarWinds recommends installing and using the SQL Server Management Studio to perform this insertion.

Configure the response time retry count for your polling engine

  1. Create a full backup of your SolarWinds Platform database.
  2. On your SolarWinds server, click Start > All Programs > SolarWinds > Advanced Features > SolarWindsService Manager.
  3. Click Shutdown Everything.
  4. On your SolarWinds Platform database server, click Start > All Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > SQL Server Management Studio.
  5. Select your SolarWinds Platform database Server name.
  6. Select an appropriate Authentication type, provide any required credentials, and then click Connect.
  7. Expand Databases > SolarWindsDatabaseName > Tables, and then click New Query.
  8. Type the following query into the empty SQL query field. Specify your own custom values for Maximum, CurrentValue, and DefaultValue.

    INSERT INTO [SolarWindsDatabaseName].[dbo].[Settings] (SettingID, Name, Description, Units, Minimum, Maximum, CurrentValue, DefaultValue) VALUES (‘SWNetPerfMon-Settings-Response Time Retry Count’, ‘Response Time Retry Count’, ‘Number of times SolarWinds retries ICMP pings on a monitored device before reporting packet loss’, ‘’, 1, Maximum, CurrentValue, DefaultValue)

  9. Click Execute, and then close SQL Server Management Studio.
  10. On your SolarWinds server, click Start > Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
  11. Expand HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > SolarWinds.Net > SWNetPerfMon.
  12. Right‑click Settings, and then click New > String Value.
  13. Enter Response Time Retry Count as the New Value.
  14. Right‑click Response Time Retry Count, and then click Modify.
  15. In the Value data field, enter the CurrentValue provided in the query above, and then click OK.
  16. Close the Registry Editor.
  17. Click Start > All Programs > SolarWinds > Advanced Features > SolarWinds Service Manager.
  18. Click Start Everything.