Mailbox Database Size and Space Use
This widget numerically and graphically shows metrics concerning the Exchange mailbox database size. The data can be sorted by clicking the headers of each column.
Hovering over any Database Name in the list displays detailed information about that database in the tooltip. Clicking any database in the Database column takes you to the Database Details page for that database.
The following list defines each column of this widget:
- Database Name: Name of the listed database.
- Database Size: Size of the listed database.
- White Space: The amount of space available at the root of a database for new mailboxes before the file size increases.
- Space Usage: This graphically represents used data of the database, white space of the database, and free space on the volume, respectively.
- Total Mailboxes: The total number of mailboxes on the listed database.
- Average Mailbox Size: The average size of an individual mailbox.