Information Store
This widget contains performance counters specific to the status of the current Information Store. The icons of the listed performance counters in the Statistic Name column changes color to reflect the listed counter's current state. Clicking any performance counter in the Statistic Name column takes you to the Performance Counter Details page for that counter.
If the value of a listed performance counter approaches or crosses the Warning threshold, a yellow band will appear for the listed counter allowing plotted values that cross the threshold to easily be visualized against the yellow band. If the value of a listed performance counter approaches or crosses the Critical threshold, a red band will appear for the listed counter allowing plotted values that cross the threshold to easily be visualized against the red band. Hovering over any time period within the chart will display detailed information about that time period in the tooltip. Hovering over a counter will give you detailed information about that performance counter.
The Exchange Information Store is a storage platform that is used to manage numerous types of information within an Exchange server deployment.
The following table lists the default performance counters for this widget along with their respective definitions and troubleshooting information, including default Warning and Critical thresholds:
Counter | Expert Knowledge |
Warning |
Critical |
Connection Count (Only available in Exchange 2013) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
Active User Count |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
RPC Averaged Latency |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
> 100 ms |
> 100 ms for 15 polls |
RPC Requests |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
> 70 |
> 70 for 15 polls |
Active Connection Count (Only available in Exchange 2010) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
Client: RPCs Failed: Server too busy/sec (Only available in Exchange 2010 and 2016) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
> 0 for 5 polls |
> 0 for 15 polls |
RPC Client Backoff/sec (Only available in Exchange 2010 and 2016) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
Active Client Logons (Only available in Exchange 2010 and 2016) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
Messages Queued for Submission (Only available in Exchange 2010 and 2016) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
> 50 |
> 50 for 15 polls |
Slow FindRow Rate (Only available in Exchange 2010 and 2016) |
Definition: Information: Possible problems: Remediation: |
N/A |
N/A |
You can have the chart show a predetermined time period of data by clicking on any one of the three Zoom buttons in the head of the Zoom column. Alternatively, you can have the chart show a specific date range by dragging the mouse over an area of the chart. The time and date displayed at the top of the widget shows the amount of data currently loaded into the chart. This can be changed by clicking Edit from within the widget.
The Value from Last Poll column shows the most recent data available for the listed statistic.
Additional components on certain resources may be available for addition and/or deletion on the Edit page.