Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Charts in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console

To learn more about charts, see the SolarWinds Platform Administrator Guide.

Clicking any chart opens the Custom Chart view in a new window, displaying the selected chart with additional chart customization options.

You can also configure any custom chart widget in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console directly from the widget title bar either by selecting from the drop-down menu of options or by clicking Edit to display the Edit Chart Title view, as described in the following sections.

Custom chart widget title bar options

The title bar menu of the custom chart widget provides the following options for viewing chart data:

  • View chart data over the Last 7 Days or over the Last 30 Days
  • Select Edit Chart to view and modify chart settings.

    This is the same as clicking Edit in the title bar.

  • View Chart Data as an HTML format document
  • View Chart Data in Excel to see chart data in an Excel™‑compatible format

Edit Chart Title view

Click Edit in the title bar of a custom chart widget to display the Edit Chart Title view. This view provides the following options to configure your chart widget:

Select a Chart allows you to change the chart type displayed in the current widget. Chart options are determined in accordance with the type of view displaying the widget you are currently editing.

The Time Period for the selected chart may be any of the following:

Last Hour

Last 2 Hours

Last 24 Hours



Last 7 Days

This Month

Last Month

Last 30 Days

Last 3 Months

This Year

Last 12 Months

The Sample Interval for the selected chart may be any of the following:

Every Minute

Every 5 Minutes

Every 10 Minutes

Every 15 Minutes

Every 30 Minutes

Every Hour

Every 2 Hours

Every 6 Hours

Every 12 Hours

One a Day

Every 7 Days


  • Each sample interval is represented on a chart by a single point or bar. Data within a selected sample interval is summarized automatically.
  • Due to limits of memory allocation, some combinations of time periods and sample intervals require too many system resources to display, due to the large number of polled data points. As a result, charts may not display if the time period is too long or if the sample interval is too small.
  • Enable the Trend Line option to see potential future results as they are extrapolated from collected historical data.

Due to the broad array of factors that can affect the performance of devices on your network, trend lines provided on SolarWinds SAM charts are intended as approximate predictions of future data only.