Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Custom Chart View

Charts in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console are easily customizable. Clicking a chart opens the Custom Chart view in a new window. The following sections describe options that are available on the Custom Chart page to modify the presentation of a selected chart.

Click Refresh at any time to review changes you have made.

Printing Options

To print your customized chart, click Printable Version and a printable version of your customized chart displays in the browser.

Chart Titles

Chart Titles are displayed at the top center of a generated chart. The Chart Titles area allows you to modify the Title and Subtitles of your generated chart.

Note: SolarWinds may provide default chart titles and subtitles. If you edit any of the Chart Titles fields on the Custom Chart page, you can restore the default titles and subtitles by clearing the respective fields, and then clicking Submit.

Time Period

Predefined and custom time periods are available for generated charts. You may designate the time period for a chart by either of the following methods:

  • Select a predefined period from the Select a Time Period: menu.
  • Provide custom Beginning and Ending Dates/Times in the appropriate fields in the Time Period area.

Sample Interval

The sample interval dictates the precision of a given chart. A single point or bar is plotted for each sample interval. If a sample interval spans multiple polls, data is automatically summarized and plotted as a single point or bar on the chart.

Note: Due to limits of memory allocation and the large number of polled data points, some combinations of time periods and sample intervals may require too many system resources to display. As a result, charts may not display if the time period is too long or if the sample interval is too small.

Chart Size

Chart Size options configure the width and height, in pixels, of the chart. You can maintain the same width/height aspect ratio, or scale the chart in size, by entering a width in the Width field and then entering 0 for the Height.

Font Size

Font sizes for generated charts are variable. The Font Size option allows you to select a Small, Medium, or Large size font for your chart labels and text.

Note:Font Size selections are maintained in the printable version of your chart.

Data Export Options

The Display Data from Chart area provides the following options to export chart data as either Excel‑compatible Raw Data or as HTML‑formatted Chart Data:

  • To view chart data in an Excel‑compatible format, click Raw Data, and then follow the prompts, if provided, to open or save the resulting raw data file.
  • To view HTML‑formatted chart data in a new browser, click Chart Data.