Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

BizTalk Server 2010 Availability Status

This SAM application monitor template allows you to check the status of BizTalk statistics: Host Instances, Orchestrations, Send Ports and Send Port Group – by using WMI queries.

Prerequisites: WMI access on target server.

Credentials: Administrator on target server.

Note: Before using this template you should provide the correct names of instances/ports/orchestrations in the Query field. See notes for each particular monitor.

Component monitors:

Host Instance State

This component monitor returns the specific Host Instance service status.

Possible values:
1 – Stopped.
2 – Start pending.
3 – Stop pending.
4 – Running.
5 – Continue pending.
6 – Pause pending.
7 – Paused.
8 – Unknown.

Note: You should set the correct Host Instance name in the Query field in:
'Microsoft BizTalk Server HOSTNAME SERVER'
The Host Instance name begins with the phrase “Microsoft BizTalk Server”. Following that comes the Hostname of the BizTalk host to which this BizTalk host instance belongs (HOSTNAME). The last one is the BizTalk server name (SERVER).

Example: HOSTNAME=client1, SERVER=bizserver. The result of the Query field should be:

Select ServiceState From MSBTS_HostInstance Where Name = 'Microsoft BizTalk Server client1 bizserver'

Orchestration Status

This component monitor returns the specific Orchestration status.

Possible values:
1 – Unbound.
2 – Bound.
3 – Stopped.
4 – Started.

Note: By default, this monitor is disabled.

Note: You should set correct Orchestartion name in the Query field.

Example: ORCHESTRATION_NAME=orch1. The result of the Query field should be:

Select OrchestrationStatus From MSBTS_Orchestration Where Name = 'orch1'

Send Port Status

This component monitor returns the specific Send Port status.

Possible values:
1 – Bound - default state.
2 – Started - indicates the send port is started, and subscriptions are activated.
3 – Stopped - indicates the send port is enlisted, and subscriptions are created but they are deactivated.

Note: You should set correct Send Port name in the Query field.

Example: SEND_PORT_NAME=SendPort1. The result of the Query field should be:

Select Status From MSBTS_SendPort Where Name = 'SendPort1'

Send Port Group Status

This component monitor returns the specific Send Port Group status.

Possible values:
1 – Bound - default state.
2 – Started - indicates the send port group is started, and subscriptions are activated.
3 – Stopped - indicates the send port group is enlisted, and subscriptions are created but they are deactivated.

Note: You should set the correct Send Port Group name in the Query field.

Example: SEND_PORT_GROUP_NAME=SendPortGroup1. The result of the Query field should be:

Select Status From MSBTS_SendPortGroup Where Name = 'SendPortGroup1'