Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Server & Application Monitor (SAM) is also available in a standalone module.

Basic LDAP Syntax

The following table outlines basic operators for use with LDAP:

Operator Operator Definition Definition Example


Equal to

This argument means an attribute must be equal to a certain value to be true.


This will return all objects that have the first name of "Kate."

Note: Because there is only one argument in this example, it is surrounded with parentheses for illustration.



Use & when you have more than one condition and you want all conditions to be true. For example, if you want to find all of the people that have the first name of Kate and live in Austin, you would use the example in the right-hand column.




The ! operator is used to exclude objects that have a certain attribute. If you need to find all objects except those that have the first name of Kate, you would use the example in the right-hand column. This would find all objects that do not have the first name of Kate.

Note: The ! operator goes directly in front of the argument and inside the argument's set of parentheses.


Note: Because there is only one argument in this example, it is surrounded with parentheses for illustration.



Use the * operator to represent a value that could be equal to anything. If you wanted to find all objects that have a value for title, you would then use the example in the right-hand column. This would return all objects that have the title attribute populated with any value.




This would apply to all objects whose first name starts with "Ka."


Advanced Examples of LDAP Syntax:

  • You need a filter to find all objects that are in NYC or Austin, and that have the first name of "Kate." This would be:


  • You have received 9,360 events in the Application log and you need to find all of the objects that are causing this logging event. In this case, you need to find all of the disabled users (msExchUserAccountControl=2) that do not have a value for msExchMasterAccountSID. This would be:


Using the ! operator with the * operator will look for objects where that attribute is not set to anything.