Application Details
This widget provides an overview of the assigned application monitor and its node.
Click Edit to change the title and subtitle of the widget.
This widget contains the following fields:
- Click Edit Application Monitor to modify the assigned application monitor.
- Click Unmanage to specify an interval for the assigned application monitor during which no statistics are collected.
- Click Poll Now to poll the assigned application monitor immediately.
Application Name
Provides the assigned application monitor name and its node.
- Click the application monitor name to view the SolarWinds SAM Application Details view.
- Click the node name to view the Node Details view.
Application Status
Provides the status of the application.
Server Status
Provides the server status of the assigned application monitor's node. Hover over the icon for the latest status.
Component Name
Provides the names, types, and status of the component monitors that make up the assigned application monitor. When SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor discovers a monitor that is not up, mouse over info for more information.