Application Details
This widget provides details concerning the current Exchange application.
The following list defines each field of this widget:
- Application Name: This provides the name of the current application as well as the name of the node on which it is active. Hovering over the node name reveals a detailed tooltip concerning the health of that node.
- Status: Displays the current status of the application.
- Exchange Server Version: Displays the current version of Exchange that is being monitored.
- Exchange Server Build Number: This is Microsoft's internal versioning number system that indicates the version of Exchange installed.
- Exchange Domain: The domain of the listed Exchange server.
- Database Availability Group (DAG): This contains information pertaining to the DAG of which the local node belongs.
- DAG Name: Name of the listed Database Availability Group.
- Other Exchange Servers in DAG: Lists additional Exchange servers in the current DAG.
- File Share Witness: The File Share Witness (FSW) is the quorum directory for the DAG Cluster. It is used to provide a majority node set in a DAG with an even number of members. In a DAG with an odd number of members, the FSW still exists, but is not used to determine a majority node set.
- Witness Share in use: This is the current witness share in use.
Note: This field may be replaced with the Alternate File Share Witness field. - (Alternate File Share Witness): The Alternate FSW is used when the primary site with the FSW has failed. To use the Alternate FSW requires manual intervention from the Exchange administrator.
Note: This field may be replaced with the Witness Share in use field.