Documentation forServer & Application Monitor
Monitoring your applications and environment is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, Server & Application Monitor (SAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and SAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Configure PSLanguageMode for the PowerShell website to support AppInsight for Exchange

To support AppInsight for Exchange, earlier versions of SAM used FullLanguage mode on target servers. Use RestrictedLanguage as the minimum PSLanguageMode setting in PowerShell on target servers. For a script to adjust that setting on existing servers, see this Success Center article.

Follow these steps to set the PowerShell language mode on target servers if you decide to manually configure an Exchange server for AppInsight for Exchange.

  1. Open IIS Manager on the Exchange server.
  2. Expand the tree and navigate to the Default Web Site/PowerShell virtual directory.
  3. Double-click Application Settings.
  4. Set PSLanguageMode to RestrictedLanguage.
  5. Recycle the MSExchangePowerShellAppPool application pool
  6. Configure AppInsight for Exchange by clicking Configure Server.

For Exchange 2013, additional steps include:

  1. Expand the tree to the Exchange Back End/PowerShell virtual directory.
  2. Double-click Application Settings.
  3. Change the value for PSLanguageMode to RestrictedLanguage, if not already set.
  4. Recycle the MSExchangePowerShellFrontEndAppPool application pool.
  5. Configure AppInsight for Exchange by clicking Configure Server.