Active Mounted Database Availability
This widget graphically shows the various states of database availability in a percentage format and is made up of three sections: the legend, the main chart, and the lower chart. The colors of the main chart correspond to the labels in the legend.
This widget is not available when using Internet Explorer 7. Consider upgrading Internet Explorer 8 or higher or using FireFox or Chrome as your web browser.
You can have the chart show a predetermined, hourly time period of data by clicking on any one of the three Zoom buttons; 1h, 12h, or 24h. Alternatively, you can have the chart show a specific time range by dragging the mouse over a small area of the chart.
Once you have a time period selected, the lower chart zooms to the starting and ending values of the selected time period. With the lower chart you can zoom in further by fine tuning the view with the sliders. The main view of the chart displays the selected time period between the two sliders of the lower chart.
Moving the mouse over the main chart reveals a tooltip with more detailed information about the specific time period the mouse is hovering over. By default, all statistics are shown in the main chart.