Documentation forSolarWinds Platform Self-Hosted

Log in to the SolarWinds Platform with Windows pass-through security

This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform products.

To authenticate users through Windows pass-through security, IIS NT Security must be enabled on your server.

Pass-through security can be configured to employ Domain security, Local computer security, or both Domain and Local computer security at the same time.

The SolarWinds Platform account credentials must match the credentials used for the Domain or Local computer security.

  • This procedure requires access to the computer that hosts the SolarWinds Platform server.
  • When authenticating users with Windows Security, ensure your SolarWinds Platform server uses the NetBIOS domain name, instead of the fully qualified domain name.

  1. If you are using NT Domain Authentication Format for pass-through accounts, create these pass-through accounts in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console Account Manager using Domain\UserID as the User Name. For example:

    • Washington\Edward
    • StLouis\Bill
  2. If you are using Local Computer Authentication Format for pass-through accounts, create these accounts in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console Account Manager using Computer\UserID as the User Name. For example:

    • SolarWindsS2\Edward
    • Server3\JonesR
  3. Start the Internet Information Services Manager, enable Windows Authentication for the SolarWinds NetPerfMon website, and restart Internet Services.

Log in to the SolarWinds Platform Web Console using the Windows account credentials you have already established.