SolarWinds EOC SWQL resource matrix
This topic applies only to SolarWinds EOC.
All SolarWinds Enterprise Operations Console (EOC) resources use SWQL filtering.
Alert Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Last XX Active Alerts | EOC.Alert2 | Alert |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | Node.CustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Triggered Alerts for All Network Devices | EOC.Alert2 | Alert |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | NodeCustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
Event Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Events Summary | EOC.Event | Event |
EOC.EventType | EventType | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Last XX Events | EOC.Event | Event |
EOC.EventType | EventType | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.EventName | EventName |
Groups Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Active Group Alerts | EOC.Alert2 | Alert |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global All Groups | EOC.Groups | Groups |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.StatusInfo | StatusInfo | |
Global Groups With Problems | EOC.Groups | Groups |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
Inventory Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Number of Interfaces by Type | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Number of Nodes by Device Type | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Number of Nodes by IOS/OS | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
SolarWinds EOC Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Top XX Errors & Discards This Hour | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Error & Discards Today | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Interfaces by Percent Utilization | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Interfaces by Relative Multicast Packet Rate | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Interfaces by Traffic | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes by Average Response Time | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes by CPU Load | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes by Current Response Time | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes by Percent Memory Used | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes by Percent Packet Loss | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Volumes by Disk Space Used | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Volume | V | |
EOC.Volume.Stats | VS |
SolarWinds IPAM Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Top XX DHCP Scopes by Utilization | EOC.IPAM.GroupNode | Scope |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Subnets By % IP Address Used | EOC.IPAM.GroupNode | Subnet |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
SolarWinds NCM Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Configuration Manager Nodes | EOC.NCM.Nodes | NCMNode |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Devices Backed Up versus Not Backed Up | EOC.NCM.ConfigArchive | ConfigArchive |
EOC.NCM.Nodes | NCMNode | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Last XX Config Changes | EOC.NCM.CacheDiffResults | CacheDiffResults |
EOC.NCM.ComparisonCache | ComparisonCache | |
EOC.NCM.Nodes | NCMNode | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Policy Violations For Each SolarWinds Server | EOC.NCM.LatestPolicyReportViolations | LPR |
EOC.NCM.PolicyReports | PR | |
EOC.Orion | O |
SolarWinds NTA Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Last XX Traffic Analysis Events | EOC.EventType | EventType |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global NetFlow Sources | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Interface | I1 | |
EOC.NetFlow.Source | S | |
EOC.NetFlow.Source | S1 | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Node | N1 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
NetFlow Collector Services | EOC.NetFlow.Engine | S |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
SolarWinds SAM (APM) Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global All Applications | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.ApplicationTemplate | AT | |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | NodeCustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Application Health Overview | EOC.APM.Application | Application |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | Status | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Applications by Status | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.ApplicationTemplate | AT | |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | NodeCustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Applications with High Process CPU Load | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.ApplicationTemplate | AT | |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Applications with High Process Memory Used | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Applications with High Response Time | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Applications with Issues | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.ApplicationTemplate | AT | |
EOC.APM.CurrentApplicationStatus | CAS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Monitors by Response Time | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.Component | Monitor | |
EOC.APM.CurrentComponentStatus | CCS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Process Monitors by CPU Load | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.CurrentComponentStatus | CCS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Process Monitors by Physical Memory | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.CurrentComponentStatus | CCS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Process Monitors by Virtual Memory | EOC.APM.Application | A |
EOC.APM.CurrentComponentStatus | CCS | |
EOC.APM.CurrentStatistic | CS | |
EOC.Node | N | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Total Applications By Type for Each Local SolarWinds Server | EOC.APM.ApplicationTemplate | AT |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
SolarWinds UDT Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Total Ports Currently Used | EOC.Orion | SWServer |
Top XX Nodes by Percent Ports Used | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.UDT.NodeCapability | S | |
EOC.UDT.NodeStatistics | NS |
SolarWinds VNQM (IP SLA) Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Active IP SLA Operation Alerts | EOC.AlertDefinition | AlertDefinition |
EOC.AlertStatus | AlertStatus | |
EOC.IpSla.Operation | IpSlaOperation | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationType | IpSlaOperationType | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global All IP SLA Operations | EOC.AlertStatus | AlertStatus |
EOC.AlertDefinition | AlertDefinition | |
EOC.IpSla.Operation | IpSlaOperation | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationStatus | ipSlaOperationStatus | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationType | IpSlaOperationType | |
EOC.IpSla.Site | SourceSite | |
EOC.IpSla.Site | TargetSite | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Last XX IP SLA Events | EOC.Event | Event |
EOC.IpSla.Event | IpSlaEvent | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX All Operations | EOC.IpSla.Operation | IpSlaOperation |
EOC.IpSla.OperationCurrentStat | IpSlaOperationCurrentStat | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationStatus | ipSlaOperationStatus | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationType | IpSlaOperationType | |
EOC.IpSla.Site | SourceSite | |
EOC.IpSla.Site | TargetSite | |
EOC.Node | SourceNode | |
EOC.Node | TargetNode | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Call Paths by Jitter | EOC.Node | N1 |
EOC.Node | N2 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.Link | L | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S1 | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S2 | |
EOC.Voip.UdpResultDetail | D | |
Global Top XX Call Paths by Latency | EOC.Node | N1 |
EOC.Node | N2 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.Link | L | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S1 | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S2 | |
EOC.Voip.UdpResultDetail | D | |
Global Top XX Call Paths by MOS | EOC.Node | N1 |
EOC.Node | N2 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.Link | L | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S1 | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S2 | |
EOC.Voip.UdpResultDetail | D | |
Global Top XX Call Paths by Packet Loss | EOC.Node | N1 |
EOC.Node | N2 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.Link | L | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S1 | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S2 | |
EOC.Voip.UdpResultDetail | D | |
Global Top XX VoIP Call Paths | EOC.Node | N1 |
EOC.Node | N2 | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.Link | L | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S1 | |
EOC.Voip.Site | S2 | |
EOC.Voip.UdpResultDetail | D | |
Global VoIP Call Managers | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Voip.CCMStatistic | C | |
Global VoIP Collector Services | EOC.Orion | SWServer |
EOC.Voip.Engine | S | |
Global VoIP Sites Overview | EOC.IpSla.Operation | L |
EOC.IpSla.OperationCurrentStat | D | |
EOC.IpSla.OperationStatus | OperationStatus | |
EOC.IpSla.Site | S | |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer |
SolarWinds WPM Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global All Locations | EOC.SEUM.Agent | A |
EOC.Orion | O | |
Global All Transactions | EOC.SEUM.Transaction | T |
EOC.Orion | O | |
Global Steps With Problems | EOC.SEUM.TransactionStep | TS |
EOC.Orion | O | |
EOC.SEUM.Transaction | T | |
EOC.StatusInfo | s | |
EOC.StatusInfo | s2 | |
Global Top XX Steps by Duration | EOC.SEUM.TransactionStep | TS |
EOC.Orion | O | |
Global Top XX Transactions by Duration | EOC.SEUM.Transaction | T |
EOC.Orion | O | |
Global Transaction Health Overview | EOC.SEUM.Transaction | T |
EOC.Orion | O | |
EOC.StatusInfo | S | |
Global Transactions With Problems | EOC.SEUM.Transaction | T |
EOC.Orion | O | |
EOC.StatusInfo | S |
Summary Report Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Down Interface | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | Node | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Down Nodes | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global High Errors & Discards Today | EOC.Interface | I |
EOC.Node | N | |
Global Node Status by Site | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | NodeCustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Nodes with High CPU Load | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Nodes with High Memory Utilization | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Nodes with High Packet Loss | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Nodes with High Response Time | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Top XX Nodes with Problems | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Node.CustomProperty | NodeCustomProperty | |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
Global Volumes with High Percent usage | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Volume | V | |
SolarWinds Servers Summary Statistics | EOC.Orion | SWServer |
Syslog Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Syslog Messages from All Network Devices | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.SysLog | SysLog | |
EOC.SysLogFacility | SysLogFacility | |
EOC.SysLogSeverity | SysLogSeverity | |
Syslog Summary | EOC.Orion | SWServer |
EOC.SysLog | SysLog |
Trap Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Trap Resource | EOC.Orion | SWServer |
Global Trap Resource | EOC.Trap | Trap |
Traps from All Network Devices | EOC.Node | Node |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Trap | Trap | |
EOC.TrapVarbind | TrapVarBind |
Wireless Resources
Resource | SWIS Entity Name | SWQL Alias |
Global Wireless Clients | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Wireless.Interface | WI | |
Top XX Access Points by Number of Clients | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Wireless.Interface | WI | |
Top XX Wireless Clients by Traffic Rate | EOC.Node | N |
EOC.Orion | SWServer | |
EOC.Wireless.Client | WC |