Documentation forSolarWinds Platform

Widget configuration examples in the SolarWinds Platform

This topic applies to all SolarWinds Platform products.

Some widgets that may be selected from the Add Resources page require additional configuration.

Display a Network Atlas map in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console

Network maps created with Network Atlas can give a quick overview of your network. Add a Network Atlas map on a view/classic dashboard.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for map in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the Map widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Select a map.
  8. Specify the Zoom percentage at which you want to display the map.

    If you leave the Zoom field blank, the map displays at full scale, based on the size of the column in which the map displays.

The map is added to the view.

Display a list of objects on a network map

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for map in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the List of Objects on Network Map widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Select a network map from the list of maps, and click Submit.

The view will now include a resource listing objects on the selected map.

Display a custom list of available maps

Clicking a map in the list opens the map in a new window.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for map in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the Custom List of All Maps widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Select maps you want to include in your maps list.
  8. Click Submit.

Display the Worldwide Map

The worldwide map provides a quick geographical overview of your network at any level from global down to street.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for map in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the Worldwide Map widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.

You have now added the Worldwide map to the view. Customize the world map now.

  1. Click Edit in the Worldwide Map resource title bar.
  2. Provide a Title and Subtitle for the map.

    Titles and subtitles can be entered as either text or HTML.

  3. Enter a value for Height. The default is 400 px.
  4. Click Set Location and Zoom Level if you want to change the default location (the center of the map) and zoom of the map.
    To set the default zoom and location manually, click Advanced, and enter the latitude and longitude of the default location and the zoom level.
  5. To filter the groups and nodes to be displayed, click Group and/or Nodes, and enter a SWQL filter. Click Examples to see a few SWQL filter samples.
  6. Click Submit.

Display events received during a given time period

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for event in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the Event Summary widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Select the time period for displaying events in Time Period.
  8. Click Submit.

Specify user-defined links

You can copy URLs of external websites or customized views/classic dashboards from preview pages, and copy them to the User Links resource.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for links in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the User Links widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Enter the following information for each link you want to define:
    1. A link Name and the URL of your link.
    2. If you want your links to open in a new browser window, select Open in New Window.

      Https URLs are not supported.

  8. Click Submit.

Specify Custom HTML

When you have static information that you want to provide in the SolarWinds Platform Web Console, add the Custom HTML widget. This widget can also provide quick access to customized views.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for html in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the Custom HTML widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Enter HTML formatted content as required.
  8. Click Submit.

Filter nodes

The SolarWinds Platform Web Console can maintain a customizable node list for your network. Node lists can be configured for specific views/classic dashboards using SQL query filters.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for nodes in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the All Nodes - Table widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. To filter your node list by text or IP address range, provide the text or IP address range by which you want to filter your node list in the Filter Text field:
    • Type Home in the Filter Text field to list all nodes with "Home" in the node name or as a location.
    • Type 192.168.1.* in the Filter Text field to list all nodes in the IP address range.
  8. Select the property for the filter text provided above:
    • If you typed Home in the Filter Text area, select Node Name or Location to list nodes with "Home" in the node name or as a location.
    • If you typed 192.168.1.* in the Filter Text area, select IP Address to list only nodes in the IP address range.
  9. To apply a SQL filter to the node list, enter an appropriate query in the Filter Nodes (SQL) field.

    By default, node list resources are designed to sort nodes alphabetically by node caption. This configuration cannot be overwritten using a SQL filter, so ORDER BY clauses included in SQL filters are redundant and will result in Custom SQL filter formatting errors.

  10. Click Submit.

Group nodes within a view

The SolarWinds Platform Web Console can maintain a customizable node list for your network. Node lists can be configured for specific views/classic dashboards with node grouping.

  1. Open the view/classic dashboard to add the widget, and click the pencil icon on the left.
  2. Click the Add widgets button.
  3. Search for nodes in the Search box.
  4. Drag and drop the All Nodes - Tree widget to the page.
  5. Click Done adding widgets > Done editing.
  6. Click Edit on the widget.
  7. Select up to three criteria, in specified levels, for Grouping Nodes within your web console view.
  8. Select whether you want to put nodes with null values In the [Unknown] Group or ungrouped At the Bottom of the List.
  9. To apply a SQL filter to the node list, enter an appropriate query in the Filter Nodes (SQL) field.

    By default, node list resources are designed to sort nodes alphabetically by node caption. This configuration cannot be overwritten using a SQL filter, so ORDER BY clauses included in SQL filters are redundant and will result in Custom SQL filter formatting errors.

  10. Click Submit.

Add a Service Level Agreement Line to charts (SolarWinds NPM)

The SolarWinds Platform Web Console can display a service level agreement (SLA) line on any Min/Max/Average bps chart. When you add a customer property named "SLA" and populate the field with your device SLA values, the SolarWinds Platform Web Console displays the appropriate line on your charts.

  • Interface data is only available in SolarWinds NPM.

  • The SLA line may not appear immediately. It may take several minutes for the change to be detected by the SolarWinds Platform Web Console.

  1. Click Settings > All Settings in the menu bar.
  2. In Node & Group Management, select Manage Custom Properties.
  3. Click Add Custom Property.
  4. Select Interfaces as the custom property object type, and click Next.
  5. Click SLA in the list of predefined Property Templates, make any required changes to the fields displayed, and click Next.
  6. Click Select Interfaces.
  7. Select and add all interfaces to which you want to apply the same service level, and then click Select Interfaces.
  8. Enter the SLA value (in bps) in the SLA column for each interface you want to label with SLA values. For example, type 1544000 for a T1 interface (1.544 Mbps) or 225000 for a serial connection running at 225 Kbps.
  9. To enter a different SLA value for a different set of interfaces, click Add More.
  10. Click Submit.

Browse to the Interface Details view of one of the interfaces you edited. The SLA line displays on any chart showing Min/Max/Average bps.