Configure the SolarWinds Platform Web Console for SSL (deprecated)
This information is deprecated and only relevant for versions that have already reached end of life. See End of Life Policy for details.
- Log in to your SolarWinds Platform server using an account with administrative rights.
- Start the Orion Service Manager in the SolarWinds Orion > Advanced Features program folder, and click Shutdown Everything.
- Start the Database Manager from the SolarWinds Orion > Advanced Features program folder.
- Expand the SQL servers, and navigate to SQL Servers >
your SolarWinds Platform database server
> SolarWindsOrion > Websites in the left pane.- If your SQL Server is not listed in the left pane, click Add Default Server.
- If your SolarWinds Platform database is not listed in the left pane, add it:
- Click Add SQL Server.
- Using the format
, select or provide the SQL Server instance you are using as your SolarWinds Platform database. - Select the login method, providing credentials as required.
- Click Connect to Database Server.
- Right-click the Websites table, and click Query Table.
- Replace the default query with the following query, and click Refresh.
UPDATE dbo.Websites SET SSLEnabled=1 WHERE WebsiteID=1
- Switch to the Orion Service Manager, and click Start Everything.
- Change the SolarWinds Platform Web Console port.
- Start the Configuration Wizard in the SolarWinds Orion program folder.
- On Website Settings, enter the SSL port number, and click Next.
Port 443 is typically reserved for SSL traffic.
- Review the configuration summary, and complete the Configuration wizard.
After you have successfully configured the SolarWinds Platform Web Console to use SSL, you should configure it to require SSL.