Manage Microsoft SQL Server with Mobile Admin
This document provides information about how to use the Mobile Admin Client to manage Microsoft SQL Servers.
All procedures in this section assume that you are logged into Mobile Admin and that you have selected a Microsoft SQL Server to manage from your server list.
To detect Microsoft SQL Server, Mobile Admin uses Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to find a service with a service name "MSSQL", or where the detection path contains "sqlservr".
To authenticate, use either Mobile Admin login credentials or SQL authentication credentials. Please note that credentials from a "Change Credentials" action are not used for Microsoft SQL management.
Communication method
The communication method is WMI and .NET Framework Data Provider for the SQL server.
To troubleshoot, use either the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Enterprise Manager from the Mobile Admin server to check for connectivity and authentication.
Manage SQL Server instances
You can manage SQL Server instances with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected. To view and manage SQL Server instances, you must first select the SQL Server Enterprise Manager icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Servers screen. The SQL Server Enterprise Manager screen will appear and list available SQL instances.
Authenticate your credentials for the SQL server
Scroll to and select the SQL instance that you want to use. If your Windows authentication is not valid for the SQL instance, the SQL Server Login screen will appear.
To access the SQL Server Login screen from a server instance screen, select Change SQL Login from the menu.
- Complete the following fields:
- Authentication Mode – Select either Use Windows authentication or Use SQL Server authentication from the drop-down menu.
- Login Name – Type a valid login name that you want to use for the type of authentication you have selected.
- Password – Type the password for the login name that you entered.
- On the menu or the Login screen, click Save.
Stop, start, pause, and resume SQL Server instances
Scroll to and select the SQL instance that you want to stop, start, pause, or resume.
To stop a running SQL server instance, click Stop on the menu.
To start an SQL server instance, click Start on the menu.
To pause an SQL server instance, click Pause on the menu.
To resume a paused SQL server instance, click Continue on the menu.
Manage SQL Server databases
You can manage SQL Server databases with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected.
The first step in performing any of the tasks associated with managing databases is to select the SQL Server Enterprise Manager icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Server screen. Then, follow the procedure to view databases by scrolling to the database you want to view and selecting it. You may then continue to manage the selected server.
View a list of tables in a database
- From a view of the database that you wish to manage, scroll to the Tables icon.
- By selecting a specific table you will see the layout for the selected table.
View table data
- From a view of the database you wish to manage, scroll to the Tables icon.
- Scroll to and select the table that you want to view layout for.
- On the menu, click Return All Rows.
View a View
- From a view of the database that you want to manage, scroll to and select the Views icon.
- Scroll to and select that view that you want to view.
Create and edit stored procedures
- From a view of the database for which you want to create or edit a procedure, select the Stored Procedures icon.
- To create a stored procedure:
- Select New Stored Procedure from the menu, type in the desired content, and select Save.
- To edit a stored procedure:
- Select the stored procedure you want to edit, make the desired changes, and select Save.
Run an SQL query
- From a view of the database for which you wish to run an SQL query, scroll to and select the Execute SQL Query icon.
- Type the SQL query that you want to run.
- On the menu, click Send.
View database properties
The procedure for viewing databases is also the first step in a list of other possible database-management actions associated with managing database data and log files.
From a view of a database whose properties you wish to view, select Properties on the menu. A screen will display the properties for the database selected.
View and add database data files
- Follow the procedure for viewing database properties, and select Data Files. from the menu. Mobile Admin will display the data files for the selected database.
- To add database data files, select Add from the menu.
- Complete the following fields as required:
- File Name – Type the file name for the data file.
- Location – Type the file path for the location of the data file.
- Space Allocated (MB) – Type the number of megabytes that you want to allocate for the data file.
- Filegroup – Select the filegroup from the drop-down menu.
- Growth – Type the percentage by which you want the data file to grow automatically.
- Maximum File Size – Type the number of megabytes that you want to set as the maximum size for the data file.
- On the menu or the New Data File screen, click Save.
Resize database data files
- From a view of the data files on a selected database, scroll to and select the data file that you want to resize.
- In the Space Allocated field, type the number of megabytes that you want to allocate for the data file.
- On the menu or the screen associated with the data file, click Save.
Delete database data files
From a view of the data files on a selected database, scroll to the file you want to delete. You have the option to view the details of the data file before you delete it.
To view details of the data file before deleting it, select the data file. To delete the file, select Delete from the menu.
If you do not wish to view the details of the data file before deleting it, you may simply select the Delete menu-option from the screen displaying a list of data files associated with a specific database. Select the file you wish to delete when prompted.
View and add database log files
- From a view of the properties of a selected database, select Transaction Log from the menu.
- On the menu, select Properties. A view of the log files for the database will appear.
- To add database log files, select Add from the menu, and complete the following fields as required:
- File Name – Type the file name for the data file.
- Location – Type the file path for the location of the data file.
- Space Allocated (MB) – Type the number of megabytes that you want to allocate for the data file.
- Growth – Type the percentage by which you want the data file to grow automatically.
- Maximum File Size – Type the number of megabytes that you want to set as the maximum size for the data file.
- On the menu or the New Transaction Log File screen, click Save.
Resize database log files
- From a view of the properties of a selected database, select Transaction Log from the menu.
- Scroll to and select the transaction log that you want to resize.
- In the Space Allocated (MB) field, type the number of megabytes that you want to allocate for the log file.
- On the menu or the screen associated with that log, click Save.
Delete database log files
From a view of the transaction log on a selected database, scroll to the file you want to delete. You have the option to view the details of the log file before you delete it.
To view details of the log file before deleting it, select the file to view its properties. To delete the file, select Delete from the menu.
If you do not wish to view the details of the log file before deleting it, you may simply select the Delete menu option from the screen displaying a list of log files associated with a specific database. Select the file you wish to delete when prompted.
Manage the SQL Server agent and jobs
You can manage the SQL Server Agent and SQL Server jobs with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected.
The first step in managing server agents and jobs is to select the SQL Server Enterprise Management icon from the Mobile Admin Manager Server screen, or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. Scroll to and select the SQL instance you wish to manage. Then, click the Management folder located on the screen associated with the selected SQL instance.
Start and stop the SQL Server agent
- From a view of the Management screen associated with the selected SQL server instance, select the SQL Server Agent icon.
- On the menu, click Start to start the agent, or Stop to stop it.
View jobs
- From a view of the Management screen associated with the selected SQL server instance, select the SQL Server Agent icon.
Select the Jobs icon.
To view details for a specific job, scroll to and select the job you want view.
Start and stop a job
Follow the procedure to view jobs and view the details of the job you wish to start or stop.
To start the job, click Start Job on the menu. To stop the job, click Stop Job on the menu.
Change a job
- Follow the procedure to view jobs and view details for the job you want to change.
- Type the changes that you want to make to the job details. On the menu or the screen associated with the changed job, click Save.
Delete a job
- Follow the procedure to view jobs and view details for the job you want to delete.
- On the menu, click Delete.
View and clear job history
- Follow the procedure to view jobs and view details for the job that you want to view or clear the history of.
- On the menu, click View Job History. To view details of the job history, select the history file that you want to view.
- To clear a job history, select the Clear All menu option from the Job History screen associated with the SQL server selected.
Manage SQL Server replication
You can manage the SQL replication with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected. SQL replication includes starting and stopping synchronizations.
The first step in managing SQL server replication is to click the SQL Enterprise Manager icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. The SQL enterprise manager screen will list available SQL instances. Select the SQL instance that you wish to manage.
View subscriptions
- Scroll to and select the Replication folder.
- Scroll to and select the Subscriptions folder.
- To view details for a subscription, scroll to and select the subscription that you want to view.
Start and stop synchronization
Follow the procedure to view subscriptions and select the subscription that you want to synchronize.
To start synchronization, click Start Synchronizing on the menu. To stop synchronization, click Stop Synchronizing on the menu. Confirm that you wish to stop the synchronization when prompted.
Delete a subscription
- Follow the procedure to view subscriptions, and select the subscription that you want to delete.
- On the menu, click Delete.
View and clear the replication job history
- Follow the procedure to view subscriptions, and select the subscription for which you want to view the job history.
- On the menu, click Job History. To clear the job history, select Clear History from the menu.
- To view details of a specific job, scroll to and select a job record that you want to view.
Manage the replication monitor
You can manage the replication monitor with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected, including managing agents. The first step in managing the replication monitor is to select the SQL Server Enterprise Manager icon from the Mobile Admin Manager Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. Scroll to the SQL instance for which you want to view a full list of agents.
View a full list of agents
- From a view of the SQL instances associated with the selected server, select the Replication Monitor icon.
- Select the Agents folder.
Scroll to and select the folder that corresponds to the type of agent you want to view a list of.
To view details for an agent, scroll to the specific agent you want to view details for, and select it.
Start and stop an agent
Follow the procedure to view a full list of agents.
To starts an agent scroll to the agent you want to start. Click Start Agent from the menu. To stop an agent, scroll to the agent you want to stop. Click Stop Agent from the menu.
View or change profiles
- Follow the procedure to view a list of agents and scroll to the agent for whom you want to view or change the profile.
- On the menu, click Agent Profiles.
- In the Select the profile for this agent field, select from the available profiles.
- On the menu on or the Agent Profile screen, click Save.
View an agent history
- Follow the procedure to view a list of agents and select the agent for whom you want to view agent history.
- On the menu, click Agent History.
- Scroll and select to the file you want to view.
Manage SQL Server logins
You can manage the SQL Server logins with Mobile Admin on the server you have selected.
The first step in managing server logins is to select the SQL Server Enterprise Manager icon from the Mobile Admin Manager Service screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. Select the SQL instance for which you would like to manage login information, and select the Security folder. Mobile Admin will display a screen showing login information for the SQL instance selected. To view details of a specific login, scroll to and select the login you would like to view more details about.
Create a login
- Follow the procedure to view login information.
- On the menu, click New Login.
- Complete the following fields as required:
- Name – type a name of the user for the new login.
- Password – type a password for the new login.
- Confirm Password – type the password a second time to confirm.
- Default Database – select the default SQL database for these login credentials from the drop-down menu.
- On the menu or the New Login screen, click Save.
Edit a login
- Follow the procedure to view login information and select the login that you would like to edit.
- Edit the following fields as required:
- Name – type the new name of the user for the login.
- Default Database – select the default database for these login credentials from the drop-down menu.
- On the menu or the screen associated with that login, click Save.
Delete a login
- Follow the procedure to view login information and select the login that you would like to delete.
- On the menu, click Delete.
Reset a password
- Follow the procedure to view login information and select the login for which you want to reset the password.
- On the menu, click Change Password.
- Complete the following fields:
- New Password – type a new password for the login.
- Confirm Password – type the password a second time to confirm.
- On the menu or Change Password screen, click Save.