Documentation forKiwi Syslog Server

Kiwi Syslog Server Third-Party Software List

Updated: October 18, 2023

This software includes code and libraries from the following third-party software providers.

Kiwi Syslog Server NG 1.2.1

Component Version License and Notices
HotChocolate.Abstractions 12.16.0 MIT License
HotChocolate.AspNetCore 12.16.0 MIT License
HotChocolate.AspNetCore.Authorization 12.16.0 MIT License
HotChocolate.Data 12.16.0 MIT License
HotChocolate.Subscriptions 12.16.0 MIT License
IdentityServer4 4.1.2 Apache Software License, Version 2.0
MailKit 3.4.3 MIT License
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer 7.0.2 MIT License
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cryptography.KeyDerivation 7.0.2 MIT License
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection 7.0.2 MIT License
Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.Extensions 7.0.2 MIT License
Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp 4.4.0 MIT License
Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.WindowsServices 7.0.0 MIT License
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging 7.0.0 MIT License
Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions 7.0.0 MIT License
Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk 17.4.1 .NET License
Moq 4.18.4 BSD 3 Clause
ncrontab 3.3.1 Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.2 MIT License
nsoftware.IPWorksSNMP 22.0.8319 Red Carpet Subscription
RestSharp 108.0.3 Apache Software License, Version 2.0
Serilog.AspNetCore 6.1.0 Apache Software License, Version 2.0
SharpPcap 6.2.5 LGPL 3.0 Only
Snapshooter 0.13.0 MIT License
Snapshooter.Xunit 0.13.0 MIT License
System.Data.OleDb 7.0.0 MIT License
System.Data.SqlClient 4.8.5 MIT License
System.Data.SQLite 1.0.117 SQLite License
System.Diagnostics.EventLog 7.0.0 MIT License
System.Runtime.Caching 7.0.0 MIT License

Kiwi Syslog Server 9.8.2

Component Version License and Notices
Active Skin 4.3 Commercial
IP*Works! V6 ActiveX 6.0


IP*Works! SSL V8 Edition 8.0 Commercial
Neo Calendar 2.0 Commercial
PacketX Commercial
PowerSNMP for ActiveX 2.9.1 Commercial
RunService Ax 2.0 Commercial
Ultra Toolbars 4.01.006 Commercial
VSFlex Grid 7.0.1 Commercial
Xceed Zip Compression Library 6.0 8.0 Commercial
NSSM Public Domain