Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.


Timing parameters allow you to intensify or reduce testing during the monitor Up, Warn, Down and Lost states. For example, you can intensify testing when a monitor enters a Warn state and reduce testing when a monitor enters a Lost state.

Setting Description
Maximum Test Duration

The method used to time out a monitor test.

If a response is not returned within the defined number of seconds, the test fails.

Delays Between Tests While: Up The number of seconds between each test while the monitor is in an Up (or OK) state.
Delays Between Tests While: Warn

The number of seconds between each test while the monitor is in a Warn state (a problem has been detected).

Alerts are not processed during the Warn state.

Delays Between Tests While: Down

The number of seconds between each test while the monitor is in a Down state (a failure has been confirmed).

Alerts are processed during the Down state.

Delays Between Tests While: Lost

The number of seconds between each test while the monitor is in a Lost state (the resource continues to be down and the maximum number of alerts are processed).

No further alerts will be processed until the monitor recovers.