Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Temperature monitor

The Temperature monitor uses SNMP communication to check the temperature levels in a specific area. Administrators can use this monitor to:

  • Be notified when abnormal temperature levels are detected
  • Ensure that temperature levels in a specific area remain within acceptable limits
  • Determine current temperature levels

If your server room cooling system fails, the temperature can climb rapidly in a short amount of time. Being aware of a temperature problem and resolving it as quickly as possible ensures that your critical servers and other network components are not damaged.

The Humidity, Temperature, Battery and Fan monitors' default Delays between Tests While: Up, Warn, Down and Lost settings are slightly different from those of other monitor types. Due to the high potential for disaster when abnormal conditions are detected, these default settings were reduced from 300 seconds to 60 seconds between tests. The Ping default interval is set to 60 seconds.

The Temperature monitor wizard can help you configure a temperature monitor with the least amount of initial input by testing all parameters you enter along the way. This process ensures that the monitor functions as expected before you enable it in a production environment. If you require additional control over the process, you can clone an existing temperature monitor and make any required configuration changes,

Test results

The test results include temperature response received from the sensor, display in Fahrenheit (F) or Celsius (C) format.