Documentation forIpMonitor
Effective December 31, 2024, IpMonitor has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked IpMonitor, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Configure the Scheduled Maintenance tasks

A scheduled maintenance task allows an administrator to temporarily disable monitoring certain resources during regular network maintenance periods. You can configure a maintenance schedule that disables monitors while ipMonitor performs routine actions or while actions occur outside of the application. See Maintenance schedules for details.

A monitor is a background process that tests a target resource and triggers alert or recovery actions when necessary.

To access the scheduled maintenance tasks, click Configuration > Scheduled Maintenance Tasks.

Maintenance Schedule List

The Maintenance Schedule List includes all maintenance schedules you created in ipMonitor.

The Recurring Internal Maintenance schedule allows you to perform recurring maintenance actions, such as archiving log files and statistics data, and backing up configuration settings. This task is included in the list by default.

Each schedule allows you to create a custom tag. These tags allow you to add notes, links, or any other relevant information to your maintenance schedules. You can also add tags to your monitors, groups, alerts, accounts credentials, and report generators.

Click Add Maintenance Schedule to add an additional schedule to the list.

Add a maintenance schedule

The Identification section allows you to enter a name for this schedule as well as a maintenance mode. After you create the schedule, this name appears in the Maintenance Schedule List.

You can select two types of maintenance modes for your maintenance schedule: 

The Actions and Schedule section change based on your maintenance mode selection.

Disable monitors while ipMonitor performs routine actions

This maintenance mode allows you to select an action to perform on the Windows server during maintenance and schedule the action to reoccur on a predetermined schedule.


When you select this maintenance mode, the Action section displays actions you can run on the ipMonitor host server.

When you click an action (for example, Reboot Server), additional fields display that allow you to enter information about the server.

The following table describes the actions you can perform on a Windows server.

Action Description
Reboot Server (Default)

Attempts to reboot the Microsoft Windows server.

To select a server, click Browse and select a server from your network. Select a machine from the list to update the Server Name field. Click Select to choose or create a credential for the Reboot Server action. If you do not define a credential, ipMonitor uses the Windows Account assigned to the service.

Restart Service

Attempts to restart the supplied list of services on the Windows server.

Click Browse to select a server on your network. Select a machine from the list to update the Server Name field, then click Select to scan the machine and display a list of services.

Stop Service Attempts to stop the supplied list of services on the Windows server.
Pause Disables testing during the specified time period for any monitors or groups assigned to the maintenance schedule.


After you select an action to perform on the Windows server, create a daily, weekly, or monthly schedule that coincides with your maintenance tasks. You can indicate when the maintenance schedule starts, how often it repeats, the server time zone, and how long the schedule remains active.

The following table describes the schedule options you can assign to this maintenance mode.

Action Description
Start Time The time of day when the maintenance schedule activates.
Frequency The daily, weekly, or monthly occurrence of this schedule.
Happens Every The number of days each day, week, or month this maintenance schedule occurs.
Active From The maintenance schedule starting date. By default, the maintenance schedule starts on the current day.
Time Zone The time zone where the Windows server is running. By default, ipMonitor uses the time zone setting configured in the host server operating system.
Active Until The point in time when this maintenance schedule ends.

Groups, devices, and monitors assigned to this schedule

During the maintenance period, testing is disabled on all monitors added to your maintenance schedule.

To simplify your configuration, add a group of monitors to your maintenance schedule. This allows you to add monitors to the schedule without having to select each individual monitor.

To add a monitor, group, or device, click the appropriate option in the toolbar.

To add a monitor, click Add Monitors to display a list of monitors in your network. In the list, select the checkbox next to each monitor you want to add to the schedule.

When you are finished, click Continue. Your selected monitors are added to the list assigned to the schedule.

To add groups and devices, repeat this process by clicking the appropriate toolbar option.

See Suspend monitors while ipMonitor reboots services and computers for a configuration example.

Disarm Monitors while actions outside of ipMonitor occur

This maintenance mode allows you to disable monitoring while maintenance is performed outside of the Windows server hosting ipMonitor.


When you select this option, the Action section allows you to select the length of time that ipMonitor disables testing of your selected groups and monitors.

You can configure the Schedule and groups, devices, and monitors as you did with the previous maintenance mode.

See Suspend monitors during network maintenance for a configuration example.