Documentation forIP Address Manager
Managing IP addresses is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, IP Address Manager (IPAM). Hybrid Cloud Observability and IPAM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Manage SolarWinds Web Console user accounts

Users need an SolarWinds Web Console account to perform actions in your SolarWinds product, such as acknowledging alerts. Default account views and privileges are assigned in the account manager.

You may not need to grant all users accounts if they only need to review reports or access views. See Share views with non-SolarWinds Web Console users for more information.

Add users individually, add group accounts, or use Active Directory accounts.  If a user is in multiple group accounts, the permissions of the group highest on the Groups tab of the Account Manager are applied to the user. By default SolarWinds uses MSAPI to authenticate Active Directory users, but you can Enable users to authenticate through LDAP.

To prevent issues with accounts, make sure that your SQL Server disables the no count connection option.