Password generator
The Password Generator gadget is used to generate random passwords using specific character requirements.
- Click Gadgets > Tools, and then drag the Password Generator gadget onto a tab.
- Set the length of the password (in characters) in the Password length field.
- If the password you are generating requires lowercase characters, select Lowercase characters, and then specify the minimum number of lowercase characters required.
- If the password you are generating requires uppercase characters, select Uppercase characters, and then specify the minimum number of uppercase characters required.
- If the password you are generating requires numerals, select Numerals, and then specify the minimum number of numerals required.
- If the password you are generating requires special characters, select Special Characters, specify the minimum number of special characters required, and then enter the special characters that can be used.
- Click Generate.
- To copy one of the generated passwords to the clipboard, select the password, and then click Copy.
- To copy multiple generated passwords to the clipboard, select the passwords from the list, and then click Copy.