Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Remove corrupted inheritance

Background / Value

Broken ACLs (Access Control Lists) interfere with permission inheritances on file servers. As a consequence the sub-directory will not inherit the correct permissions, despite this feature being activated. Access Rights Manager displays "Broken ACLs" and removes them by reapplying the inheritance.


Related features

Identify errors in inheritance in the webclient and fix them in bulk


Step-by-step process

  1. Select "Resources".
  2. Expand the frame.


  1. Access Rights Manager lists all subdirectories with deviating permissions.
  2. The yellow lock indicates a corrupted inheritance.

Use the sort function in the "Inheritance" column for long lists.


  1. Select an entry.
  2. Access Rights Manager shows you in all details which permissions are different compared to the parent directory.


  1. Select the subdirectory where you want to correct the corrupted inheritance.
  2. or 3. Click "Change Inheritance".


  1. Enable inheritance.
  2. Enforce inheritance for all subdirectories.
  3. You must enter a comment.
  4. Start the execution.