Customer Token
Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, Loggly shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate Loggly and access its features may vary from these instructions.
A unique identifier, called a customer token, is used when sending log data to Loggly to ensure that the logs are sent to the right organization account. The customer token is an alpha-numeric string that needs to be included with each log event. You can use the same token for all of your logs.
To access your logs' customer tokens, select the Source Setup option in the side menu and click Customer Tokens.
Using a Customer Token
Syslog Usage
The customer token must be provided within the Structured Data section of your syslog header. Here’s an example header:
For more information on templates for your specific syslog version, see logging from Unix or logging from Windows.
HTTP Usage
The customer token must be provided within the URL of your request. Here’s an example:
For more information on sending log events over the Loggly API, check out Sending Data.
Managing Customer Tokens
Customer Tokens are not available within the search interface and should not be used to categorize logs. Instead, use Source Groups to categorize and organize logs from your infrastructure. However, customer tokens can be used to assign tokens to various groups of logs, for example, public client-based log data vs private syslog. Each organization must have at least one customer token active at any time and cannot have more than two active tokens.
Create a customer token
From the Customer Tokens page click Add New, enter a description of the token, and then click Save. A new token is generated and can be used to send logs to Loggly. See Using a Customer Token or Logging Setup.
Add a description to a customer token
A customer token's description can be helpful to clarify the purpose of a token when two tokens are in use, but are not used or visible when setting up new sources.
From the Customer Tokens page hover your mouse over the row containing your token and click the edit button at the end of the row. Enter a description in the field provided, and click Save.
Copy a customer token
From the Customer Tokens page click copy . The customer token is copied to your clipboard so it can be pasted into your source configuration.
Retire a customer token
If a customer token has been compromised or otherwise misused, you can permanently retire a customer token to ensure it cannot be used again. Retired tokens are not removed from Loggly, but they cannot be used again once retired.
Before retiring a token, you must have a second token already created. Each organization must have at least one customer token active at any time and cannot have more than two active tokens.
Go to the Customer Tokens page to retire a token. Hover your mouse over the row containing your token. Click the X at the end of the row and click Retire in the confirmation window. The token is moved to Retired and, after a short delay, data with that token ID is no longer accepted.