Documentation forLoggly

Retrieving Data

Navigation Notice: When the APM Integrated Experience is enabled, Loggly shares a common navigation and enhanced feature set with other integrated experience products. How you navigate Loggly and access its features may vary from these instructions.

Search for events or filter by field across all log events. The "Search" & "Event" endpoints will work together to return a set of your events. The "Fields" endpoint will return the list of all fields we’ve parsed from your events. Provide a field name to receive the values and counts.

The Event Search API is split across two different endpoints: one to define the search and another for retrieval of resulting events.

To define a search, start with a request like the one below. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain.

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>*&from=-2h&until=now&size=10" 
  "rsid": { 
    "status": "SCHEDULED",
    "elapsed_time": 1.4336929321289062
    "date_from": 1573147948479,
    "id": "1573155148479336578",
    "date_to": 1573155148479

This returns an RSID, which the client will need to retrieve events via a call to the "/events" endpoint. Your next call to retrieve the events will remain open until the call returns or times out. We currently don’t support polling to check if the results are ready, so you can ignore the status field. If you are sending requests at a high rate and receive a 503 error, you may have hit the rate limit. If you get a 504 or 500 with a description of "timeout" you can retry making the request again. You can read a full description of our HTTP response codes.

Search Endpoint Parameters
q required query string, check out the Search Query help
from optional Start time for the search. Defaults to "-24h".
(See valid time parameters.)
until optional End time for the search. Defaults to "now".
(See valid time parameters.)
order optional Direction of results returned, either "asc" or "desc". Defaults to "desc".
size optional Number of events to retrieve when calling the events endpoint for a given RSID. Defaults to 50.

Here are a few more examples. If you’d like to make an API request from a browser, you won’t need to encode the special characters.

API event request with multiple parameters, including tags:

https://<subdomain>"288" tag:apache json.treatment.order:"up" NOT json.location.pathname:*&from=2013-10-17T21%3A24%3A18.007Z&until=2013-10-18T21%3A24%3A18.007Z 

or, with relative dates:

https://<subdomain>"288" tag:apache json.treatment.order:"up" NOT json.location.pathname:*&from=-1d&until=now 

or, with a string as a value:

https://<subdomain>"288" json.treatment.order:"up" NOT json.location.pathname:* json.context.terms:"rock n roll"&from=-1d&until=now 

The browser will do the encoding on the above API requests. In order to cURL from a command line terminal, you’ll need to encode special characters, including spaces and quotes. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain.

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>*%20json.context.terms:%22rock%20n%20roll%22&from=-1d&until=now" 

Events Endpoint

This endpoint will return your search results for the given RSID, and allows you to retrieve events in pages. It will respond once the search results are ready. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain.

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>"
  "total_events": 3292470,
  "page": 0, 
  "events": [
      "tags": [
      "timestamp": 1377431712208, 
      "logmsg": " {\"timestamp\": \"13-08-25 11:55:12,208191\", \"baremsg\": \"Alert is due to run\"}", 
      "event": {
        "syslog": {
          "priority": "142",
          "timestamp": "2013-08-25T11:55:12.208596+00:00", 
          "host": "frontend01", 
          "severity": "Informational", 
          "facility": "local use 1"
        "json": {
          "timestamp": "13-08-25 11:55:12,208191", 
          "baremsg": " is due to run", 
          "level": "INFO"
      "logtypes": [
      "id": "c693c674-0d7d-11e3-80e9-20ae90200ddd"
Events Endpoint Request Parameters
rsid required The ID that was returned in response to your /search request.
page optional Which page of results you’d like returned. Defaults to 0 if not defined. Pages are also zero-indexed, starting at 0 for the first page.
format optional Data format you’d like to have your results returned. Options are "raw", "csv", or "json". If "json" is used as a format, it will provide a file to download. Default is "json".
columns optional If you’d like to limit your result set to a set list of fields. Takes a comma separated list.

Note: To use this parameter, you need to include format=csv to the events endpoint, this is because the endpoint is in json format by default. Replace <token> with your API token and <subdomain> with your organization's subdomain.

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>*&from=-2h&until=now&size=10"


Events Endpoint Response Parameters 
total_events Total number of matching events for the entire time range
page Which page of the result set
tags An array of any tags associated with the event
timestamp See timestamps to understand how a reference timestamp is derived.
logmsg The message portion of the log event. (Any headers aren’t included.)
event Any parsed fields are included.
logtypes An array of log types that were detected.
id Loggly’s event ID.

*There is currently a maximum limit of 5000 individual events returned per search query. We don’t support paging beyond this 5000 event limit either. If a search encompasses more than 5000 events, you will have to do another query to retrieve more events.

Search Tricks

All in one command:

$ query="test"; account="<subdomain>"; curl -s -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>'  "https://$$query&from=-2h&until=now&size=10" >/tmp/searchrsid.tmp && curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://$`python -c \"import json; j=json.load(open('/tmp/searchrsid.tmp')); print j['rsid']['id'];\"`" 

Field Search

The parameters included with a field search are the same as the parameters you include for the Search endpoint shown above. Use the fields endpoint without any parameters to get a list of all available fields.

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>" 

Or, include some search criteria:

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>*&from=-2h&until=now&facet_size=10" 

This returns a list of available field names for which you can request more information.

  "fields": [
      "name": ""
      "name": "logtype"
      "name": "json.context.rows"
      "name": "json.viewport.width"
  "rsid": {
    "status": "SCHEDULED",
    "date_from": 1382136613000,
    "elapsed_time": 0.023257017135620117,
    "date_to": 1383000613000,
    "id": "439948601"

*There is currently a maximum limit of 500 fields returned via this endpoint. Our Dynamic Field Explorer also have a limit of maximum 500 fields that could be displayed in the Loggly UI.

Fields Endpoint Request Parameters
q optional query string, check out the Search Query help
from optional Start time for the search. Defaults to "-24h".
(See valid time parameters.)
until optional End time for the search. Defaults to "now".
(See valid time parameters.)
facet_size optional Number of fields to return, default to 10.

Filter by Field

If you’re looking for counts and values for a specific field within your result set, append the field name. Options are the same as the fields/ endpoint, but the maximum number of field values (facet_size) that can be returned is 300. Make sure to include the trailing slash:

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>" 

Or, include some search criteria:

$ curl -H 'Authorization: bearer <token>' "https://<subdomain>" 

This returns a list of fields & the counts for the given field.

  "": [
      "count": 252,
      "term": ""
      "count": 4,
      "term": ""
  "total_events": 256

CORS Support

Cross Origin Resource Sharing is enabled across all of our API endpoints. JavaScript developers can take advantage of this support to further integrate Loggly into their applications.

CORS is an addition to the browser security model that allows XHR requests to be made from one domain to another. CORS allows Javascript applications to access resources on domains other than the original document’s domain, working around the same-origin policy. While Javascript application developers have crafted techniques like JSONP, Flash proxies, XHR receivers, and server-side proxies to circumvent the same-origin policy, CORS makes these hacks unnecessary.

To take advantage of CORS both the server and the browser need to support the standard. The browser needs to initiate a negotiation with the server and the server must signal to the browser which domains are allowed to make cross-domain requests.

Here’s sample code that you can use to take advantage of this feature:

  url: 'https://<subdomain>',
  beforeSend: function(xhr) {
    xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer <token>");
  success: function(data) {
  error: function() {

The scripts are not supported under any SolarWinds support program or service. The scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. SolarWinds further disclaims all warranties including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or of fitness for a particular purpose. The risk arising out of the use or performance of the scripts and documentation stays with you. In no event shall SolarWinds or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the scripts or documentation.