Documentation forDatabase Performance Analyzer

Stop and start DPA

Stop and start DPA on a Windows server

  • To stop DPA, use the Windows Control Panel to stop the Ignite PI Server service.

  • To restart DPA, use the Windows Control Panel to start the Ignite PI Server service again.

If the service does not start or does not continue running when you start the service, you can also start it by running the startup.bat script file from the DPA directory. However, if you start DPA using this script, you must leave the command window open. Closing the command window stops DPA.

If you have issues with the Ignite PI Server service, contact SolarWinds Support.

Stop and start DPA on a server with a Linux-based OS

  • To stop DPA, run the following command from the DPA directory:

    For example, using the default DPA directory: 


  • To restart DPA, run the following command from the DPA directory:

    For example, using the default DPA directory: 


    DPA must be running at all times to collect monitoring data. If you plan to log out of the account from which you start SolarWinds DPA, run the following command instead. This prevents the SolarWinds DPA process from exiting when you log out.

    nohup ./