Documentation forWeb Performance Monitor

About supported WPM recorders

If you are currently using the Deprecated WPM Recorder, it's important to understand that SolarWinds has now aligned with Microsoft Support and will no longer support Internet Explorer-based transactions in a near-term future release. As a result, upcoming releases of WPM will not support editing or playing transactions that originate in the Deprecated WPM Recorder. Now is the time to migrate your WPM recordings and discontinue using the Deprecated WPM Recorder. See Migrate WPM recordings using the Recordings Migration Tool for details.

The Web Transaction Recorder in WPM offers advanced features, including an integration with SolarWinds Pingdom. Windows and macOS versions are available.

Note the following details about the Web Transaction Recorder:

  • To learn about deploying Web Transaction Recorders, see the WPM Getting Started Guide.
  • The Web Transaction Recorder does not respond to the middle and right mouse buttons.
  • Web Transaction Recorder files end with .web-recording.

The following table provides feature comparisons:

Web Transaction Recorder
Web Transaction Recorder

Deprecated WPM Recorder
Text match
Delete text
File download
File upload 1
X, Y Capture
Image Match
Image Match with click 2
Wait time
Proxy authentication
Handle certificates

Capture Tab key 3
Capture Enter, Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down key 4
Capture Insert, Delete, Ctrl + key, Shift + key 5
Conditional steps
Track navigation between browser tabs
Integration with Pingdom 6