Documentation forAccess Rights Manager

Create an Exchange mailbox

In the section "Modules", you email-enable the user. You can define Exchange mailbox settings in the same step. The entire section is optional.

The credentials (arrow) can not be set in the template. You make this setting in the Exchange change configuration.




"Modules" : [


"Name" : "Exchange.Create.MailBox",

"Displaytext" : "Create an Exchange mailbox.",

"Description" : "Description text",

"CredentialType" : "Windows",

"Fields" : [


"Name": "createmailbox",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": true,

"Label": "Create mailbox"




"Name": "emailaddresses",

"Definition": {

"Type": "TextArea",

"Label": "Email addresses",

"IsRequired": true,

"IsEnabled": true,

"Constraints": {

"MaxLength": 500,

"ValidationRule": "^((([a-z][a-z0-9]+:)?([A-Z][A-Z0-9]+:)?(\\w+([-+.']\\w+)*@\\w+([-.]\\w+)*\\.\\w+([-.]\\w+)*(\\r\\n)?\\n?)+)*)$",

"ValidationInformation": "Does not match the Email format!",

"CreationRule" : "SMTP:<tolowerCase>({samaccountname})@<tolowerCase>([fqdn])\r\nsmtp:<tolowerCase>(<firstLetter>({givenname})).<tolowerCase>({sn})@<tolowerCase>([fqdn])"





"Name": "MailboxDatabase",

"Definition": {

"Type": "DropDownList",

"DefaultValue": "Mailbox Database1",

"Label": "Mailbox Database",

"IsRequired": true,

"Items": [


"Value": "Mailbox Database1",

"DisplayValue": "Mailbox Database1"



"Value": "Mailbox Database2",

"DisplayValue": "Mailbox Database2"






"Name": "ActivateArchive",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "false",

"Label": "Archive database"




"Name": "ArchiveDatabase",

"Definition": {

"Type": "DropDownList",

"DefaultValue": "Mailbox Database1",

"Label": "Archiv Datenbank",

"IsRequired": true,

"Items": [


"Value": "Mailbox Database1",

"DisplayValue": "Mailbox Database1"



"Value": "Mailbox Database2",

"DisplayValue": "Mailbox Database2"






"Name": "ActivateActiveSync",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "true",

"Label": "ActiveSync"




"Name": "ActivateActiveSyncPolicy",

"Definition": {

"Type": "DropDownList",

"DefaultValue": "Default",

"Label": "ActiveSync policy",

"IsRequired": true,

"Items": [


"Value": "Default",

"DisplayValue": "Default"



"Value": "Other",

"DisplayValue": "Other"






"Name": "ActivateOwa",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "true",

"Label": "Outlook Web App (OWA)"




"Name": "ActivateOwaPolicy",

"Definition": {

"Type": "DropDownList",

"DefaultValue": "Default",

"Label": "Outlook Web App (OWA) policy",

"IsRequired": true,

"Items": [


"Value": "Default",

"DisplayValue": "Default"



"Value": "Other",

"DisplayValue": "other"






"Name": "ActivateImap",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "true",

"Label": "IMAP"




"Name": "ActivatePop",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "true",

"Label": "POP3"




"Name": "ActivateMapi",

"Definition": {

"Type": "Checkbox",

"DefaultValue": "true",

"Label": "MAPI"




