Documentation forWeb Help Desk

Options for submitting tickets

You can submit Web Help Desk tickets by email or through the web interface. Determine whether clients can use both options, or if they are restricted to only one. The following sections describe each option to help you determine which option is best for your organization.

Submit tickets through the web interface

When clients submit tickets through the web interface, the ticket assignment process is streamlined. Tickets are automatically routed to a tech or a tech group based on the ticket's request type.

You can also specify that certain fields on the web interface are required. For example, if you are using location groups, you can refine the ticket assignment by requiring clients to select a location. You can also require customers to complete custom fields that apply to the request type. Collecting relevant information at ticket creation can help techs troubleshoot and resolve the issue more quickly.

As a result, organizations might encourage or even require clients to submit tickets through the web interface.

Submit tickets through email

Email submissions require additional processing, but many organizations choose to enable this functionality because it is convenient for their clients.

When your clients submit tickets through email, Web Help Desk creates a ticket based on the email content. All tickets are routed to the tech group associated with the incoming email account. Techs within this group must evaluate each ticket and select the appropriate request type.

Default incoming email account

All organizations must have a default email account. This account is typically associated with a generic email address that clients can easily remember (such as or The default incoming email address receives all general support emails.

Additional incoming email accounts

You can choose to set up additional incoming email accounts and link them to specific request types. For example, you may decide to restrict potentially sensitive HR requests to the HR tech group. They can set up a second email account (such as that routes tickets directly to the HR tech group.

Tasks to configure email ticket submission

  1. Review and verify the ticket options. Locate the Clients Can Create Tickets Using setting and select email or both Web Interface and email.

    These options indicate the methods clients can use to create new tickets. If both options are disabled, clients will only be allowed to view and update the existing tickets. As a result, all new tickets must be created by a tech.

  2. Review and verify the email options. Locate the Create Accounts for Unrecognized Senders setting and enable this setting. When enabled, Web Help Desk accounts are created for unrecognized senders.

    SolarWindsrecommends limiting account creation to emails from accepted domains.
  3. Configure the incoming email account by doing the following: 

    1. If required, define a request type to assign to tickets created based on emails to the default account.

    2. Identify or define a tech group who assigns the appropriate request type to these emails.

    3. (Optional) Configure a second incoming email account for sensitive emails.