Documentation forWeb Help Desk

Customize billing statements

You can customize billing statements by editing the invoice.html file located in the following directory:


For example, if you wanted to remove the signature line, you could remove lines 433 - 438:

                    <fo:table-cell number-columns-spanned="<webobject name=LineItemColumnCount></webobject>" padding-top="10mm">
                        <fo:block font-family="FreeSans, ArialUnicodeMS, sans-serif" font-size="10pt" text-align="right"><webobject name = "SignatureLbl"></webobject>: <fo:leader leader-length="4.0in" leader-pattern="rule" rule-style="solid" color="black"></fo:leader>

After you delete these lines or make any other changes, restart Web Help Desk to enable your changes.