Documentation forUser Device Tracker
Monitoring users, devices, and ports is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability and is also available in a standalone module, User Device Tracker (UDT). Hybrid Cloud Observability and UDT are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

UDT Search Results

The search results are displayed in a scrollable, tabular view. For each item, the following information is displayed in columns:

  • Match Item
  • Match Type

The match type is one of the options you have selected in the Search dropdown. If the results return a single match the appropriate details page is displayed.

For example, if you search on "" and UDT finds a match, the Device Tracker Endpoint Details is displayed showing connection information under the Current Network Connections widget:

Node Port or SSID

Node or Access Point

Connection Duration

Connection Type



24 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes

Endpoint IP Address



24 days, 8 hours, 5 minutes

Endpoint IP Address

To monitor the endpoint as a node, click Start monitoring as a node under Endpoint details.