Documentation forPatch Manager

Default menus and related views

My Dashboards displays shortcuts to the web console views. The default menu bars include Home and a menu bar for each installed SolarWinds Platform application.

See My Dashboards for details on how to configure the dashboards in the console.

View Description
Summary SolarWinds Platform events and alerts
Groups SolarWinds Platform Groups data
Top 10 Network devices by utilization and number of events
Events SolarWinds Platform event messages in the past 24 hours
Alerts SolarWinds Platform alerts in the past 24 hours
Message Center Collection of event and alert messages in the last 24 hours
Reports SolarWinds Platform reports
thwack Opens THWACK in a new browser window
Custom Summary Resources to display specific SolarWinds Platform objects
Training Videos and documentation for SolarWinds Platform products and concepts

Menu bar

The SolarWinds Platform Web Console menu bar provides access to your installed SolarWinds applications and additional resources.

The following table provides descriptions for each menu bar view.

View Description
SolarWinds Returns you to the SolarWinds Platform Summary home page
My Dashboards Displays shortcuts to SolarWinds Platformweb console views
Alerts and Activity Displays SolarWinds Platform alerts in the past 24 hours
Reports Displays SolarWinds Platform reports you can run in your deployment
Settings Displays the SolarWinds Platform Web Console settings

Default Patches views

When you click My Dashboards > Patches, the console displays the Patch Summary view. This view displays a summary of data collected from the Patch Manager Application Server.