Documentation forNetwork Performance Monitor
Monitoring network performance is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is also available in a standalone module.

Universal Device Poller - Define what should be calculated by the transform


The formula is the definition of what should be calculated within the transform to compute the performance measure that you want.

Define formulas

Transforms are defined using basic algebraic operations and exponents. Available pollers serve as variables.

Type a formula for calculating the transform into the Formula field or use the Add Function button.

For frequently used formulas, see Universal Device Poller - common calculations for poller transforms

In formulas, you can use the following items:

  • Standard mathematical operations
  • Example: {poller1}+{poller2}

  • Mathematical constants e and π, as E() and PI(), respectively
  • Poller transformation formulas are also nestable.
  • Example: avg(min({poller1},{poller2}),max({poller3},{poller4}))
    The example returns the average of two poller comparisons.

Add a function

  1. Click Add Function, and select an algebraic function.
  2. Click within the function parentheses.
  3. Click Add Poller, and select the poller that should be used in the calculation.

    Insert poller names within the parentheses of the selected function.

    If a selected function operates on multiple pollers, add all pollers within the parentheses, separate them by a comma and a single space.

    Example: avg({poller1}, {poller2}, {poller3})

Available functions

Click Add Function to see the list of functions you can use within the formula.

Poller Transformation



An average of the results of multiple pollers


The minimum of multiple poller results


The maximum of multiple poller results


Truncates a polled value to a designated number of decimal places.

Example: Truncate({HiPrecision},4) truncates the result of the poller named HiPrecision to four decimal places.


An average of the column values in a polled table


The minimum of a column of values in a polled table


The maximum of a column of values in a polled table


The sum of a column of values in a polled table

Temperature > Celsius to Fahrenheit

The Fahrenheit equivalent of a poller result originally presented in Celsius

Temperature > Fahrenheit to Celsius

The Celsius equivalent of a poller result originally presented in Fahrenheit

X to Kilobyte

The number of Kilobytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Bytes

X to Megabyte

The number of Megabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Bytes

X to Gigabyte

The number of Gigabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Bytes

X to Terabyte

The number of Terabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Bytes

Kilobyte to Megabyte

The number of Megabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Kilobytes

Kilobyte to Gigabyte

The number of Gigabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Kilobytes

Kilobyte to Terabyte

The number of Terabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Kilobytes

Megabyte to Gigabyte

The number of Gigabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Megabytes

Megabyte to Terabyte

The number of Terabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Megabytes

Gigabyte to Terabyte

The number of Terabytes equivalent to a poller result originally presented in Gigabytes


Using C# regular expression syntax, retrieves the first match for a provided poller result in a string poller result.

Example that returns 55:

parse((?<TempTell>)\d+), Current temperature is 55)

For more information about C# regular expressions, see the appendix Regular Expression Pattern Matching.