Universal Device Poller - Home
To create a new Universal Device Poller (UnDP), click New Universal Device Poller, and complete the wizard. See Define a custom statistic to monitor in the NPM.
From this page, you can start the following activities:
- Select NPM nodes or interfaces to poll a custom statistic
- Transform poller results in the SolarWinds Platform
- Create pollers by duplicating and adjusting pollers in NPM
- Export UnDP pollers from NPM
- Temporarily suspend collecting statistics for pollers in NPM
You can also view all custom UnDP pollers and transforms in your NPM, and see on which devices they are polled.
View pollers and transforms assigned to a node
- Locate the node in the All Nodes area, and expand it.
Use options in the Group By list to find the node.
- Pollers are listed in the Pollers folder, Transforms are listed in the Transforms folder.
If you cannot see Pollers or Transforms when you expand a node, there are no custom UnDPs assigned to the node.
- Click the node to view the node properties in the top-right area, and assigned pollers or transforms in the bottom-right area.
View UnDP values polled on single devices
- Expand the node in the All Nodes pane.
- Expand the Pollers or Transforms folder, and click the poller or transform. Polled values will display in the top-right pane.
View node or interface properties
- Navigate to the node or interface in the All Nodes pane.
- Click the node or interface to see its properties in the top-right pane, and custom UnDPs and transforms assigned to it in the bottom-right pane.
View nodes polled by a poller or transform
- In the All Defined Pollers pane, navigate to the poller or transform, and click it.
- In the top-right pane, you can see the UnDP or transform details.
- In the bottom-right pane, you can see nodes polled by the UnDP or transform.