Universal Device Poller Custom Chart
The Universal Device Poller Custom Chart resource allows you to simultaneously view data, on the same chart, for multiple Universal Device Poller on the same monitored network object.
Customize the chart
Click Edit and configure the chart:
- Select either Nodes or Interfaces as the type of poller data in the Show field.
- In the Left Y-Axis (Select Universal Device Poller) field, select the first Universal Device Poller you will be charting, provide a Custom Label, and select the Unit for the left axis.
- If you are charting multiple pollers that all use the same labels and units for the Left Y-Axis, click Add More to include additional Universal Device Pollers.
- If you are charting multiple pollers that use different labels and units than indicated for the Left Y-Axis, click Add UnDP to the right axis to select additional Universal Device Pollers that share a unique Custom Label and Unit on the right y-axis.
- Select the Default zoom range, Amount of historical data to load, and the Sample interval on which data points are collected and charted.
- To hide the resource when there is no data in the Orion database to display for the selected UnDPs, select Yes in Auto-Hide Resource.
- To add a title or subtitle for the chart, click Advanced, and provide a text or variable(s) for the labels.
Click Submit to accept all resource configuration changes.