Documentation forNetwork Performance Monitor
Monitoring network performance is a key capability of SolarWinds Observability Self-Hosted (formerly Hybrid Cloud Observability) and is available in the Essentials edition. Network Performance Monitor (NPM) is also available in a standalone module.

Interface Poller Variables

The following are valid interface poller variables:

At least one of the CustomPollerStatus variables from the tables below must be included in the trigger condition of all interface poller alerts.

Interface Poller Assignment variables

Interface Poller Assignment Variable



User friendly name of a specific assignment in the form: <PollerName> - <NodeName> - <InterfaceName>. Interface name is '0' if this is a node poller.


Internal unique ID (as guid) of specific assignment of a poller to a node or interface.


Internal unique ID of interface (as integer) in this assignment. '0' if this is a node poller.


Internal unique ID of node (as integer) in this assignment.


Internal unique poller ID (as guid) in this assignment

Interface Poller Status variables

Interface Poller Status Variable



Internal unique ID (as guid) of the specific assignment of a poller to a node or interface.


Date and time poller statistic was last collected.


UTC Date/time statistics last collected for this assignment


For a poller with a MIB value type of 'Rate', this field contains numeric data collected from the OID.

For a poller with a MIB value type of 'Counter', this field contains the change in the previous value as normalized to the polling interval.

For a 'Raw Value' poller this field is null.


For poller with a MIB value type 'Rate' or 'Counter', this field is null. For a poller with MIB value 'Raw Value' and an OID response value that is numeric, this field contains the numeric value.

For a poller with MIB value 'Raw Value' and an OID response value that is not numeric, this field is null.

For enumerations this field contains the actual numeric value returned from the OID instead of the user friendly text. Status comparisons that are numeric (greater than and less than) should use this field. Status values that are text descriptions should use the 'Status' field.


For a poller with a MIB value type of 'Rate' or 'Counter', this field is null.

For a poller with a MIB value of 'Raw Value' this field contains the value from the OID 'cooked' according to its sub-type.

Enumerations contain user friendly text instead of a numeric value returned from the OID.


For a poller with a MIB value type of 'Rate', this field is null.

For a poller with a MIB value type of 'Counter' this field contains the change in the previously collected value.

For a poller with a MIB value of 'Raw Value' this field is null.

Interface Poller variables

Rate pollers only write to the 'Rate' field; counter pollers only write to the 'Total' and 'Rate' fields; and status pollers only write to the 'Status' field, unless they can be successfully converted to a numeric value, in which case the numeric value is also written to the 'RawStatus' field.

Interface Poller Variable



Internal unique ID of time units as represented by UI


Poller description


(1) indicates poller currently up and collecting, otherwise (0)


Currently unused


User friendly name of group to which this poller belongs


(1) indicates that every statistic collection is inserted as a new record. (0) indicates that this statistic is updated so that it only has one statistic record.


Date and time that poller record last changed


Date and time that poller record last changed (universal time)


Generally recognized OID name


(N) if this is a node poller. (I) if this is an interface poller


OID used to gather information


Internal unique ID of the parser (sub-type) of this poller, where 1=None, 2=text, 3=enum, 4=macAddress, 5=counter, 6=gauge, 10=TrueFalse, 11=FalseTrue, 12=CleanMac, 14=TimeTicks, 15=HighBandwidth, 16=AdminStatus, 17=OperationalStatus


Poller unique ID (guid)


(R) for rate poller, (C) for counter poller, (S) for status poller


SNMP request type (Get or GetNext)


Internal unique ID of time unit (msec/sec/min/hr/days) to which poller is normalizing


Number of time units to which poller is normalizing


Poller user friendly name


User‑entered description of unit collected (bytes/degrees/dbs)