Documentation forNetwork Configuration Manager
Managing network configurations is a key capability of Hybrid Cloud Observability Advanced and is also available in a standalone module, Network Configuration Manager (NCM). Hybrid Cloud Observability Advanced and NCM are built on the self-hosted SolarWinds Platform.

Best practices for NCM device templates

Review the following best practices before modifying device templates.

  • Review several device templates and familiarize yourself with the command syntax before creating a new template.

  • Write down a list of all the commands you need to include in the new device template, including whether or not you have to press Enter after you type the command to ensure the device recognizes the command.

  • Telnet to your device to find the pre-commands you need. A pre-command can be used for any device which requires input before prompting for credentials. A pre-command is used before logging in. For example, when you connect to a router and before you are asked for a password, you must press Enter to wake up the connection. Add the following line to the template:

    <Command Name="PreCommand" Value="${CRLF}"/>

  • Create a new device template by modifying an existing device template.

  • Before modifying a device template, make a copy of the original.

  • If you have a device that indicates enable mode with any character other than the # character, add the following line to the template: <Command Name="EnableIdentifier" Value="*"/>, where * is the character used to indicate the enable privilege level.

  • Ensure that you do not have two command templates with the same System OID available for automatic assignment.

  • If the value for the Command Device Template field within the Node Details view is set to Auto Determine, NCM chooses the command template with the System OID value that is closest to the system OID of the device. For example, if the System OID for the device is, then NCM starts the search for a template that includes as the System OID. If no template is found, NCM looks for a template with, and then, and so on. To be safe, use the full System OID when building templates.

  • To declare the ready prompt for your device, use the VirtualPrompt command to designate the prompt: <Command Name="VirtualPrompt" Value="unc-dsf%"/>,  where unc-dsf% is the prompt used by the device to designate it is ready for commands to be sent. You can use the Virtual Prompt to avoid an issue with special characters in banners. For example, to avoid NCM recognizing the # character as an enable prompt. Ensure you use the MenuBased command when using the VirtualPrompt command: <Command Name="MenuBased" Value="false"/> or <Command Name="MenuBased" Value="true"/>.

  • Device such as VPN concentrators might require a null value for the Reset command to function properly. If you receive an Out of Range error, change the value of the Reset command from 0 to blank ( ). For example, <Command Name="RESET" Value=""/>.