Manage Microsoft Exchange with Mobile Admin
This section provides information about how to use the Mobile Admin Client to manage Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 servers.
If Mobile Admin is installed on a 32-bit operating system, be sure to install the 32-bit version of the Exchange Management Tools.
Microsoft Exchange is detected when a service named "msexchangeis" or "msexchangetransport" is found.
Your Mobile Admin login credentials are used for authentication. Credentials specified after a "change credentials" action are not used for Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010.
Communication method
The Exchange Management Shell is used for management. Mobile Admin runs scrips locally using the local PowerShell invocation method or remotely. You can change the communication method in the Host Properties page. See Configuring Specialized Servers for more information on configuring your Mobile Admin and Exchange servers for either method.
To troubleshoot, launch the Exchange Management Shell on the Mobile Admin server and check for a successful connection to the Exchange server.
If you receive an error such as "You must configure remote PowerShell invocation", select a communication method in the host properties, and ensure that the both the Mobile Admin and Exchange servers are configured correctly.
If you receive an accessed denied error, ensure that WinRM and PowerShell Authentication are configured correctly.
Access Microsoft Exchange for Mobile Admin
Mobile Admin allows you to manage Microsoft Exchange from your wireless device. To access the Microsoft Exchange interface, select Exchange Management Console from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen, or from a view of a server reached via the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. You will notice that the Exchange Management Console for Mobile Admin is composed of four sections:
- Organization Configuration
- Server Configuration
- Recipient Configuration
- Toolbox
Organization configuration
In the Organization Configuration section, you will find tools for managing administrator types and global transport settings with Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010. Tasks performed from this section include managing administrators and setting global limits on messages.
To find the Organization Configuration section, select Organization Configuration in the Exchange Management Console screen.
The Organization Configuration interface is composed of two sections:
- Exchange Administrators
- Hub Transport
Exchange Administrators
The Exchange Administrators section allows you to manage administrators with Exchange 2007/2010. From this section, you can view the list of administrators - as well as administrator-specific information, such as identity, role, and scope -, and add or remove administrators. To view the list of Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 administrators, follow the procedure to access the Organization Configuration section, and select Exchange Administrators. To view administrator-specific information, simply select the name of the administrator whose information you want to view. The Exchange Admin 'Administrator Name' screen will open, displaying the identity, role, and scope of the selected administrator.
Add an administrator
This feature is not available for Exchange 2010. Follow the procedure below to add a user or group as a Microsoft Exchange 2007 administrator. Also note that you can only add an existing Active Directory user or group to the Microsoft Exchange 2007 administrator list. To create an Active Directory user or group, please see the corresponding sections in the Active Directory section of the Mobile Admin Client usage guide.
- Follow the procedure to view a list of administrators.
- Select Add Admin from the menu.
- Perform one of the following:
- Select User if you want to add an individual user as an administrator.
- Select Group if you want to add all members of a group as administrators.
- Select the organizational unit containing the user/group you want to add.
- Select the user/group you want to add.
- Assign Role and Scope by clicking on the menu button and selecting options from the lists.
- From the menu or the Add Admin screen, select Save.
Remove an administrator
This feature is not available for Exchange 2010. Follow this procedure in order to remove an Active Directory user from the Microsoft Exchange 2007 Administrator list.
- Follow the procedure to view the list of administrators and select the name of the administrator you would like to remove.
- From the menu, select Remove.
Hub transport
You can manage Exchange 2007/2010 global transport settings within the Hub Transport section. Here, you can manage maximum message send and receive size, as well as maximum number of message recipients. To view Exchange 2007/2010 transport settings, follow the procedure to access the Organization Configuration section, and select Hub Transport. Select Global Settings, and then select Transport Settings.
Set a maximum send and receive size for e-mails
- Follow the procedure to view transport settings.
To set the maximum send size, enter the maximum send size you want applied to e-mails in the Max. send size (KB) field.
Leave the field blank to set an unlimited value.
- To set the maximum receive size, enter the maximum received size you want applied to e-mails in the Max. receive size (KB) field. Leave the field blank to set an unlimited value.
- Click Save, in the menu or on the Global Transport Settings screen.
Set a maximum number of recipients for e-mails
- Follow the procedure to view transport settings.
In the Max. # of recipients field, enter the maximum number of recipients you want applied to e-mails.
To set an unlimited value, leave the field blank.
- Select Save, from the menu or from the Global Transport Settings screen.
Server configuration
You can manage Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 databases in the Server Configuration section. Tasks you can perform via this section include viewing mailbox databases and public folder databases; mounting and dismounting databases; and managing database settings. To access the Server Configuration section, select Server Configuration from the Exchange Management Console interface.
You can manage mailbox and public folder databases from the Mailbox section. You can view mailbox and public folder databases (as well as database properties); mount and dismount databases; and manage database settings from this section.
View a mailbox or public folder databases and properties
Follow this procedure in order to view a mailbox or public folder database.
- Follow the procedure to access the Server Configuration Section.
- Select Mailbox.
- From the list of servers displayed, select the server in which the mailbox or public folder database you want to view is contained.
- Select the storage group from the list in which the mailbox or public folder database you want to view is contained.
- To view properties of a specific mailbox or public folder, simply select the mailbox or public folder from the list.
Manage database settings
Follow this procedure in order to perform the database management tasks listed below.
- Follow the procedure to view mailbox and public folder database properties.
- Scroll to the text field of the setting you want to change, and enter the new value. The settings that you can change are:
- Issue warning at (KB)
- Prohibit send at (KB)
- Prohibit send and receive at (KB)
- Keep deleted items for (days)
- Keep deleted mailbox for (days)
- Click the menu button, and select Refresh to update the settings.
Mount and dismount a database
- Follow the procedure to view mailbox and public folder database properties.
- To mount a database, scroll to the Status text field and select Mount from the menu.
- To dismount a database, scroll to the Status text field and select Dismount from the menu.
Recipient configuration
In the Recipient Configuration section, you can manage mailboxes, distribution groups, mail contacts and disconnected mailboxes.
Tasks performed in the Recipient Configuration section include:
- Viewing of organization-wide recipient types (mailboxes, distribution groups, mail contacts, and disconnected mailboxes)
- Adding, deleting, and disabling mailboxes
- Searching the organization to find mailboxes
- Managing mailbox settings (issue warning at, prohibit send at, prohibit send and receive at, keep deleted items for)
- Managing mailbox features (Outlook Web Access, ActiveSync, MAPI, POP, etc.)
- Managing mail flow settings (forwarding address; maximum recipients, send size and receive size)
- Managing email addresses associated with a mailbox
- Enabling/disabling of organization email address policy
- Setting email addresses as default reply addresses
- Setting mail contacts’ email addresses as default external addresses
- Moving mailboxes to a different mailbox databases
- Re-connecting mailboxes
To access the Recipient Configuration section of the Microsoft Exchange 2007 interface, from the Exchange Management Console interface, select Recipient Configuration. The Recipient Configuration interface is composed of eight sections:
- Find
- Mailbox (All)
- Mailbox (Filtered)
- Distribution Group (All)
- Distribution Group (Filtered)
- Mail Contact (All)
- Mail Contact (Filtered)
- Disconnected Mailbox
You may use this feature to locate recipients by name. You may also enter a partial name (at least three characters) and the following recipient attributes will be searched: CommonName, DisplayName, FirstName, and LastName. To use the Find feature:
- From a view of the Recipient Configuration section screen, select Find.
- In the Name field, enter the name or partial name (at least three characters) of the recipient you are seeking.
- Click Find in the menu or on the Find Recipients By Name screen.
Mailbox (All)
You can manage mailboxes in the Mailbox (All) section. You can view the list of mailboxes and mailbox-specific information; manage mailbox settings and features; move mailboxes; manage mail flow settings and email addresses; create mailbox filters; and add, remove or disable mailboxes and in this section.
View a list of mailboxes and mailbox properties
- Follow the procedure to access the Recipient Configuration section.
- Select Mailbox (All).
- To view properties of a specific mailbox, simply select the mailbox for which you want to view more details.
Manage mailbox properties
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox for which you want to manage properties.
- Scroll to the text field of the setting you want to change, and enter the new value. The settings that you can change are:
- Display name.
- Alias.
- Select Refresh from the menu.
Hide a mailbox from Exchange address lists
- Follow the procedure view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox you would like to hide from Exchange address lists.
- Scroll to the Hide from Exchange Address Lists option.
- Click the trackball to select the check box.
- Click the menu button, and select Refresh.
Modify mailbox settings
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox for which you want to manage the settings.
- Select Mailbox Settings from the menu.
- Perform one or both of the following:
- Scroll to the Use Mailbox Database Storage Defaults or Use Mailbox Database Deletion Defaults check box, click the menu button and select Change Option to select/deselect the check box. On iOS devices, turn the option ON or OFF as desired.
- Enter the values you want to change in the Issue Warning At (KB) and Keep Deleted Items For (days) text fields. To set an unlimited value, leave the field blank.
- From the menu or the Mailbox Settings screen, select Save.
Manage mailbox reatures
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox for which you want to manage features.
- Select Mailbox Features from the menu.
- Scroll to the feature you want to change and select Change Option to select/deselect the check box of the feature you want to change. On iOS devices, turn the features ON or OFF, as desired.
- Click the menu button, and select Refresh.
Move a mailbox to another mailbox database
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox you want to move.
- Select Move Mailbox... from the menu.
- Select Change Option from the menu.
- Select the mailbox database to which you want to move the mailbox.
- Select Save on the menu or on the Move Mailbox screen.
Modify the mail flow settings
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox for which you want to manage mail flow settings.
- Mail Flow Settings from the menu.
- Perform one or both of the following:
- Scroll to the Deliver Message to Both Forwarding Address and Mailbox option, click the menu button and select Change Option to select/deselect the check box. On iOS devices, turn this option ON or OFF as desired.
- Enter the values you want in the Max. recipients, Max. send size (KB), and Max. receive size (KB) text fields. To set an unlimited value, leave these fields blank.
- Select Save from the menu, or on the Mail Flow Settings screen.
Manage a mailbox e-mail address
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox for which you want to manage the associated e-mail.
- Select E-Mail Addresses from the menu.
- Click the menu button, and perform any or all of the following:
- Select Enable/Disable Email Address Policy to enable or disable the email address policy.
- Select Set As Reply to set the email address as that mailbox’s reply address.
- Select Remove Email to remove the email address from that mailbox.
- Select Add Email to add an email address to the mailbox.
- Select Save from the menu or the E-Mail Addresses screen associated with the selected mailbox.
Remove or disable a mailbox
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes and select the mailbox you wish to remove or disable.
- Click the menu button, and perform one of the following:
- To disable a mailbox, select Disable.
- To remove a mailbox from the database, select Remove.
Create a mailbox filter
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes.
- Select Create Filter from the menu.
- Fill in the text fields with the required information.
- Select Apply Filter from the menu or the Mailbox Filter screen.
Add a mailbox
You can only add a mailbox to the Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 mailbox list for an existing Active Directory user or group. To create a new Active Directory user or group, see the relevant section in the Active Directory chapter of the Mobile Admin Client guide.
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mailboxes.
- Click the menu button, and select New Mailbox...
- Scroll to and select the organizational unit in which the object for the new mailbox is located.
- Scroll to and select the object you want.
- Fill in the text fields with the required information and select Save from the menu or the new mailbox screen.
Mailbox (Filtered)
The Mailbox (Filtered) section provides a shortcut to the Create Filter option found in the Mailbox (All) section. This option is useful when working with large numbers of mailboxes since it allows the user to access specific mailboxes without having to wait for the entire mailbox list to populate.
To create a filtered mailbox using the shortcut method:
- Follow the procedure to access the Recipient Configuration section.
- Select Mailbox (Filtered).
- Fill in the text fields with the required information.
- Select Apply Filter from the menu or the Mailbox Filter screen.
Distribution group (All)
In the Distribution Group (All) section, you can manage Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 distribution groups. You can view the list of distribution groups as well as distribution group properties; view distribution group members; manage mail flow settings and email addresses; create distribution group filters; and add, disable and remove distribution groups from this section.
To view a list of distribution groups:
- Follow the procedure to access the Recipient Configuration section.
- Select Distribution Group (All).
- To view properties of a specific distribution group, simply select the group for which you would like to see details.
Create a distribution group filter
- Follow the procedure to view a list of distribution groups.
- Click the menu button and select Create Filter.
- Fill in the text fields with the required information, and select Apply Filter from the menu or the Distribution Group Filter screen.
Create a new distribution group
- Follow the procedure to view a list of distribution groups.
- Click the menu button and select New Distribution Group.....
- Scroll to and select the organizational unit in which the object for the new distribution group is located.
- Scroll to and select the object you want.
- Enter an alias in the Alias field and select Save from the menu or New Distribution screen.
Manage distribution group properties
Follow this procedure in order to manage distribution group properties.
- Follow the procedure “To view distribution group properties”.
- Scroll to the text field of the setting you want to change, and enter the new value. The settings that you can change are:
- Display name
- Alias
- Click the menu button, and select Refresh.
The ‘Distribution Group Name’ Properties - General screen opens displaying updated distribution group-specific information.
View distribution group members
- Follow the procedure to view a distribution group and select the group whose group members you wish to view.
- Select Members from the menu.
Modify distribution group mail flow settings
- Follow the procedure to view a list of distribution groups and select the group for which you wish to modify the mail flow settings.
- Select Mail Flow Settings from the menu.
- Enter the value you want in the Max. receive size (KB) text field.
- Select Save from the menu or from the Mail Flow Settings screen.
View and dditing a distribution group's e-mail address
- Follow the procedure to view a list of distribution groups and select the group for which you would like to view or edit the e-mail address.
- Select E-Mail Addresses from the menu.
- To edit an e-mail address, enter your desired modifications in the E-Mail address text field.
- Select Save from the menu or the screen associated with the selected group's e-mail address.
Enable or disable the e-mail address policy for a group
- Follow the procedure to view a distribution group's e-mail address.
- Select Enable/Disable Email Address Policy from the menu. Please note that a dialog box will appear if you do not have the administration privileges required to enable or disable the e-mail address policy.
Set a reply address for a distribution group
If you only have one e-mail address associated with the selected distribution group, then this address is automatically set as the reply address.
- Follow the procedure to view a distribution group's e-mail address. On the 'Distribution Group' - E-Mail Address screen, all e-mail addresses are prefixed with either smtp or SMTP. The e-mail prefixed by SMTP is the current reply address.
- Scroll to and select the email address you want to set as the reply address.
Remove an e-mail address from a distribution group
Follow the procedure for viewing a distribution group's e-mail address.
You cannot remove an e-mail address if it is the only e-mail address associated with a specific distribution group, or if it is the reply address. If you want to remove the current reply address, you must set another e-mail address as the reply address beforehand.
- Scroll to and select the email address you want to remove. From the menu, select Remove.
Add an e-mail address to a distribution group
- Follow the procedure to view a distribution group's e-mail address.
- Select Add Email from the menu.
- Delete the placeholder email address and enter the new email address in the E-Mail address field.
- Select Save from the menu, or the New E-Mail screen.
Disable a distribution group
Follow the procedure to view a list of distribution groups and select the group that you want to disable.
Select Disable from the menu.
Distribution group (Filtered)
The Distribution Group (Filtered) section provides a shortcut to the Create Filter option found in the Distribution Group (All) section. This option is useful when working with large numbers of distribution groups since it allows the user to access specific distribution groups without having to wait for the entire distribution group list to populate.
Create a distribution group filter (Shortcut Method)
Follow the procedure to access the Recipient Configuration section.
Select Distribution Group (Filtered).
Fill in the text fields with the required information.
Select Apply Filter from the menu or the Distribution Group Filter screen.
Mail contact (All)
In the Mail Contact section, you can manage Microsoft Exchange 2007 mail contacts. From this section, you can view the list of mail contacts (as well as mail contact properties); manage mail contact mail flow settings and email addresses; create mail contact filters; and add, disable and remove mail contacts.
The first step in managing Microsoft Exchange 2007 mail contacts is to view the list of mail contacts. To do this, select Mail Contact (All) from a view of the Recipient Configuration section screen. To view properties of a specific mail contact, simply select it. Mobile Admin will display details of the specified mail contact.
Create a mail contact filter
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contact.
- Select Create Filter from the menu.
- Fill in the text fields with the required information. Then, select Apply Filter from the menu or the Mail Contact Filter page.
Create a new mail contact
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contacts.
- Select New Mail Contact.
- Scroll to and select the organizational unit in which the object for the new mail contact is located.
- Scroll to and select the object you want.
- In the Email address field, enter the email address of the new mail contact. In the Alias field, enter an alias for the new mail contact.
- Select Save from the menu or the screen associated with the new mail contact.
Manage mail contact properties
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contacts and select the contact for which you wish to view properties.
- Perform one or both of the following:
- Scroll to the text field of the setting you want to change, and enter the new value.
- Select Refresh.
Manage mail contact mail flow settings
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contacts and select the contact for which you wish to manage mail flow settings.
- Select Mail Flow Settings from the menu.
- Enter the value you want in the Max. receive size (KB) text field.
- Select Save from the menu or Mail Flow Settings screen.
View and edit a mail contact's e-mail address
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contacts and select the contact for which you wish to view of edit the e-mail address.
- Select E-Mail Addresses from the menu to view the address or addresses associated with the mail contact selected.
- To edit an e-mail address, make the desired modifications in the E-Mail address text field.
- Select Save from the menu or the screen associated with the e-mail address for the selected mail contact.
Enable and disable the e-mail address policy for a mail contact
- Follow the procedure to view a mail contact's e-mail address.
Select Enable/Disable Email Address Policy from the menu.
A dialog box will appear if you do not have the administration privileges required to enable or disable the e-mail address policy.
Set a reply e-mail address for a mail contact
If you only have one e-mail address associated with a mail contact, then this address is automatically set at the reply address. Also note that on the 'Mail Contact' - E-Mail Addresses screen, all e-mail addresses are prefixed with either smpt or SMTP. The address prefixed with SMTP indicates the current reply address.
- Follow the procedure for viewing a mail contact's e-mail address.
- Scroll to the email address you want to set as the reply address and select Set As Reply from the menu.
Remove an e-mail address from a mail contact
You cannot remove an e-mail address it if is the only e-mail address for a mail contact, or if it is the reply address. If the address you want to remove is the current reply address, then you must first set another e-mail address as the reply address.
- Follow the procedure to view a mail contact's e-mail address.
- Scroll to the email address you want to remove and select Remove Email from the menu.
Add an e-mail address to a mail contact
- Follow the procedure to view a mail contact's e-mail address.
- Select Add Email from the menu.
- Delete the placeholder email address and enter the new email address in the E-Mail address field.
- Select Save from the menu or the Add E-Mail screen.
Disable a mail contact
- Follow the procedure to view a list of mail contact's and select the mail contact you wish to disable.
- Select Disable from the menu.
Mail contact (Filtered)
The Mail Contact (Filtered) section provides a shortcut to the Create Filter option found in the Mail Contact (All) section. This option is useful when working with large numbers of mail contacts since it allows the user to access specific mail contacts without having to wait for the entire mail contact list to populate.
Create a mail contact filter (Shortcut Method)
- From a view of the Recipient Configuration screen, select Mail Contact (Filtered)
- Fill in the text fields with the required information.
- Select Apply Filter from the menu or Mail Contact Filter screen.
Disconnected mailbox
In this section of the Recipient Configuration feature of Exchange 2007/2010 you can reconnect Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 mailboxes that have been disconnected.
Reconnect a disconnected mailbox
- From a view of the Recipient Configuration screen, select Disconnected Mailbox.
- Scroll to and select the mailbox you want to reconnect.
- Scroll to and select the organizational unit in which the user you want to connect the mailbox to is housed.
- Scroll to and select the user to whom you want to connect the mailbox.
- In the Mailbox type field, select the type of mailbox you want the user to have.
- Select Connect from the menu or the screen associated with the mailbox you are reconnecting.
In the Toolbox section, you can perform Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 troubleshooting tasks. The Toolbox section is divided into four sub-sections:
- Test Services
- Test System Health
- Test Mail Flow
- Queue Viewer
To access the Toolbox section, select the Toolbox icon from a view of the Exchange Management Console Interface.
Test services
In the Test Services section, you can test services to determine if necessary services for the assigned server roles are running on a specific Exchange 2007 server. To view the list of Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 servers, simply select Test Services from a view of the Toolbox section screen. Use the following procedure to test services:
- Follow the procedure to view a list of Microsoft Exchange 2007/2010 servers.
- Scroll to and select the server for which you want to test services.
Test system health
In the Test System Health section, you can quickly scan system health using BPA to determine if the Exchange 2007 organization is configured properly. Use the following procedure to test system health:
- From a view of the Toolbox section screen, select Test System Health.
- Select Run Test from the menu or from the Test System Health screen.
Test mail flow
In the Test Mail Flow section, you can locally troubleshoot mail flow between specific servers within your organization, or to remotely troubleshoot e-mail addresses.
Use the procedure below to test mail flow either locally or remotely:
- From a view of the Toolbox section screen, select Test Mail Flow.
- To locally test mail flow, select Local Test.
- To remotely test mail flow, select Remote Test.
- In either case, perform the following:
- In the Originating server field, select the server from where mail flow is initiated from the list.
- In the Target server field, select the server to where mail flow is intended from the list.
- Select Run Test from the menu or from the Test Mail Flow screen.
Queue viewer
In the Queue Viewer section, you can view queues and queue details; suspend or resume queues; and retrieve messages from within queues. To view a queue, simply select Queue Viewer from a view of the Toolbox section, and then select the server wherein the queue resides. Select a specific queue to view more details about it.
Suspend and resume a queue
- Follow the procedure to view a queue and select the queue that you want to suspend or resume.
- To suspend the selected queue, select Suspend from the menu.
- To resume the selected queue, select Resume from the menu.
Retrieve messages from within a queue
- Follow the procedure to view a queue and select the queue from which you wish to retrieve messages.
- Select Get Messages from the menu.
- Click the menu button and perform one of the following:
- Select Suspend if you want to suspend the message in the queue.
- Select Remove (with NDR) if you want to remove the message from the queue and send a non-deliverable response to the sender.
- Select Remove (without NDR) if you want to remove the message from the queue without sending a non-deliverable response to the sender.