Documentation forMobile Admin
Effective December 31, 2021, Mobile Admin has reached its end of life and is no longer available or supported. If you liked Mobile Admin, consider trying another SolarWinds product.

Manage Microsoft Cluster Server with Mobile Admin

This section provides information about how to use the Mobile Admin Client to manage Microsoft Cluster Servers.

The procedures in this section assume that you are logged in to Mobile Admin and that you have selected a Microsoft Cluster Server to manage from your server list.


The Mobile Admin server uses WMI to detect the service named "clussvc".


The Mobile Admin server, by default, uses the credentials you logged into Mobile Admin with to authenticate with Microsoft Cluster Server.

Communication method

The Mobile Admin serer uses Windows libraries to manage MS Cluster servers.

Manage cluster nodes

You can manage cluster nodes in Mobile Admin for the Cluster Server you have selected. To manage cluster nodes in any respect you must first select the Cluster Administrator icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage hosts screen.

View a list of nodes and node properties

Selecting the Cluster Administrator icon brings up a list of nodes, as well as group and resources folders. To view properties of a specific node, select the node for which you wish to view more details.

Edit a node description

  1. Follow the procedure to view node properties.
  2. In the Description field, type a new description.
  3. On the menu or the Editing Description screen, click Save.

View a list of network interfaces and active groups for a node

Follow the procedure to view node properties.

To view Network Interfaces, select Network Interfaces from the menu.

To view a List of Active Groups on a Node, select Active Groups.

Manage groups

You can manage cluster node groups in Mobile Admin for the Cluster Server you have selected. To being managing groups, you must first select the Cluster Administrator icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen.

View a list of groups and group properties

  1. Select the Groups folder.
  2. To view properties of a specific group, simple select the group for which you want to view more details.

Edit a group description

Follow the procedure to view a list of groups, and select the group that you want to edit the description for.

Make the desired changes in the Description field and click Save on the menu or on the Editing Description screen.

View preferred owners for a group

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of groups and select the group for which you wish to view a list of preferred owners.
  2. On the menu, click Preferred Owners.

Add and remove a preferred owner

  1. Follow the procedure to view preferred owners for a group.

    To add a preferred owner, click Add on the menu.

  2. Scroll to the node that you want to add to the list of preferred owners and click Add on the menu.

    To remove a preferred owner, click Remove on the menu.

  3. Scroll to the preferred owner that you want to remove, and click Remove on the menu.

Bring groups online and take groups offline

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of groups.
  2. To take a group offline, select the desired group and click Take Offline on the menu.
  3. To bring a group online, select the desired group and click Bring Online on the menu.

Move a group to the next node on the Preferred Owners list

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of groups and select the group you want to move.
  2. On the menu, click Move.

Change group failback and failover settings

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of groups.
  2. Select the group for which you want to change the failback settings.
  3. To change the failback seettings, click Failback on the menu.
  4. Complete the following fields as required:
    • Failback Type – select the failback setting you want to configure from the drop-down menu.
    • Start – if you select Allow Failback Between, type the hour, from the 24-hour clock, that failback will start being allowed.
    • End – if you select Allow Failback Between, type the hour, from the 24-hour clock, that failback will stop being allowed.
  5. To change failover settings, click Failover on the menu.
  6. Complete the following fields as required:
    • Threshold – type the number of times the group can fail within the period you specify in the Period (hours) field.
    • Period (hours) – type the number of hours during which the number of group failures will count toward the number allowed in the Threshold field.
  7. Click Save on the menu, or on the Failback/Failover screen.

Manage cluster resources

You can manage cluster resources in Mobile Admin for the Cluster Server you have selected. To manage cluster resources, you must first select the Cluster Administrator icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen, or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen.

View a list of resources and resource properties

Select Resources folder. To view properties of a specific resources, simply select the resources for which you want to view further details.

Edit a resource description

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of resources and select the resource whose description you wish to edit.
  2. Make the desired changes in the Description field, and click Save.

Changing a Resource Group

Follow the procedure to view a list of resources and select the resource for which you wish to change resource groups.

On the menu, click Change Group.

Scroll to the group that you want to move the resource to. On the menu, click Save.

View and remove a resource dependency

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of resources and select the resource that you want to view a list of resource dependencies for.
  2. On the menu, click Dependencies.
  3. To remove a dependency, select the dependency you wish to remove and click Remove on the menu.

Take resources offline and bring resources online

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of resources and select the resources that you want to take offline or bring online.
  2. To take a resources offline, click Take Offline on the menu.
  3. To bring a resources online, click Bring Online on the menu.

Initiate the failure of a resource

  1. Follow the procedure to view a list of resources and select the resource that you want to initiate a failure for.
  2. On the menu, click Initiate Failure.