Manage Lotus Domino with Mobile Admin
This section provides information about how to use the Mobile Admin Client to manage Lotus Domino servers.
All procedures in this section assume that you are logged in to Mobile Admin, and that you have selected a Lotus Domino server to manage from your server list.
Lotus Domino is detected if a successful TCP connection can be made to port 1352.
Lotus Domino monitoring is not supported when it is installed on a 64-bit operating system.
The Mobile Admin login credentials or credentials specified in Change Credentials are used when managing.
Communication method
The Domino COM application programming interface in used for management.
Log in to the Domino server
If your Windows login credentials are different from your Lotus Domino login credentials, then the Domino Login screen will appear the first time that you access the Domino server with Mobile Admin. To log in to the Domino server, complete the following fields when prompted:
- User ID – type your Domino User Name.
- Password – type your Domino Internet Password.
- On the menu or the Login screen, click Login.
View mailboxes and delete mail messages
You can use Mobile Admin to manage mailboxes on the Domino selected server.
The first step in managing mailboxes is to click the Domino Administrator icon from the Mobile Admin Manage Services screen or from a view of a server reached from the Mobile Admin Manage Hosts screen. The Domino Administrator screen will appear and display the Domino partitions available on the selected server.
To view mailboxes, scroll to and select the Domino server that you want to view mailboxes for. Select the Messaging icon, and then scroll to the mailbox that you want to view. To delete mail messages, scroll to the message you want to delete and select Delete from the menu.
Manage people and groups
You can use Mobile Admin to manage people and groups on the Domino server that you have selected from the server list. To view a list of people, select the People &Groups icon from a view of the Domino partition you have selected. Selecting the People icon will prompt the display of a list of people for the selected server.
Add and delete people
To add or delete a person, first follow the procedure to view a list of people.
To add a person:
- Click Add Person on the menu.
- Complete the information fields as required.
- Click Save on the menu or the add person screen.
To delete a person:
- Select the person you want to delete.
- Select Delete from the menu.
Search for a user
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people.
- On the menu, click Find.
- In the Name field, type a full or partial name for the person you want to find.
- On the menu, click Find.
View user details and edit information
Follow the procedure to view a list of people.
Scroll to and select the person whose information you wish to view or edit.
To edit the person's information, make the desired changes in the fields presented and then click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the person.
View and edit mail settings for a user
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people, and select the person for whom you wish to view or edit mail settings.
- Click Mail on the menu. View or change to following settings:
- Mail system – Select the user’s primary mail system from the list.
- Domain – Type the domain name that the person is associated with.
- Mail server – Type the hierarchical name of the server that stores the user’s mail file. For example: Rove/Administration
- Mail file – Type the path for the user’s mail file.
- Forwarding address – If the user does not receive their mail at the server and mail file specified above, type the user’s complete mail address route including the domain name(s). For example, Julien.Smith@Rovemobile@External.
- Internet address – Type the user’s complete Internet email address.
- When receiving unencrypted mail, encrypt before storing in your mail file – If selected or turned ON, incoming mail will be encrypted before being delivered in the user’s mail database.
- Click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the person.
View a list of groups
- From a view of the Domino partition you wish to use, select the People & Groups icon.
- Scroll to and select the Groups icon. The Groups screen will appear and display a list of groups for the selected server.
- To view details of a specific group, simply select the group for which you want to view more details.
Add and delete a group
Follow the procedure to view a list of groups.
To add a group:
- Click Add Group on the menu.
- Complete the information fields as required.
- Click Save on the menu
To delete a group:
- Select the group you wish to delete.
- Click Delete on the menu.
Search for a group
- Follow the procedure to view a list of groups.
- On the menu, click Find.
- In the Name field, type a full or partial name for the group you want to find.
- On the menu, click Find.
Edit group details
- Follow the procedure to view a list of groups and select the group that you want to edit.
- Type changes in the fields as desired, and click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the selected group.
View members of a group
- Follow the procedure to view a list of group, and select the group whose members you wish to view.
- On the menu, click Members.
Add and remove members to and from groups
Follow the procedure to view members of a group.
To add a member:
- Click Add Member on the menu.
- In the Name field, type the partial name or full name of the user that you want to add to the group.
- Click Add on the menu or the Add Member screen.
To delete a member:
- Scroll to the member you want to delete.
- Select Remove Member from the menu.
Reset an Internet password
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people and select the person whose internet password you wish to reset.
- In the Internet password field, type a new password for the user. Click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the user.
Force a user to change their Internet password upon next login
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people, and scroll to the person who will have to change passwords upon next login.
- On the menu, click Administration.
- Select or turn ON the Force user to change Internet Password on next login option. Click Save on the menu.
Edit password change intervals for a user
You can specify how often a user must change their password on servers that have password checking enabled.
You can also specify a grace period, which is the number of days after a required change interval that a user can go without changing their password. If the user does not change their password during the grace period, then the user will be locked out of servers that have password checking enabled.
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people and select the person for whom you wish to edit password change intervals.
- On the menu, click Administration.
- Perform the following, as required:
- If you want to set an interval of time between required password changes for the user, enter the number of interval days in the Required change interval field.
- If you want to set a grace period for a user to change passwords, enter the number of grace days in the Grace period field.
- Select Save from the menu or the screen associated with the selected user.
Reset a user password digest
The password digest is a record of a person’s password, stored as a digest in the Person document. The user must enter a password that matches the digest to authenticate with servers that have password checking enabled.
Follow the procedure to view a list of people and select the person for whom you wish to reset the password digest.
On the menu, click Administration.
In the Password digest field, type a new password digest for the user. Click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the user.
Lock out a user, forcing a password check, and disable password check for a user
- Follow the procedure to view a list of people, and select the user for whom you wish to perform any of the above tasks.
- On the menu, click Administration.
- In the Check Password field, perform one of the following:
- If you do not want to require the user to enter a password, select Don't check password.
- If you want to require the user to enter a password, select Check password.
- If you want to lock out the user from accessing servers that have password checking enabled, select Lockout ID.
- Click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the user.
View and managing administration requests
You can use Mobile Admin to manage administration requests on the Domino server that you have selected from the server list.
To view an administration request,:
- Select the Server icon from a view of the Domino partition that you want to use.
Select the Analysis icon, and then select the Administration Requests icon.
To view details about a specific administration request, simply select it from the list.
Reject or accept administration requests
- Follow the procedure to view administration requests, and select the Pending Administrator Approval icon.
- Perform one of the following:
- If you want to view pending requests by date, scroll to and select the By Age icon.
- If you want to view pending requests by server name, scroll to and select the By Server icon.
- Navigate to and select the administration request that you want to accept or reject, and do one of the following:
- If you want to accept the request, select Accept 'Administration Request Type'.
- If you want to reject the request, select Reject 'Administration Request Type'.
View and manage server tasks
You can use Mobile Admin to manage server tasks on the Domino server that you have selected from the server list. To view server tasks, select the Server icon from a view of the Domino partition that you want to use. Select the Status icon, and then select the Server Tasks icon.
Start a server task
- Follow the procedure to view server tasks.
- Click Start task on the menu.
- Scroll to and select the task you want to start and click Start on the menu.
Stopp and restarting a server task
- Follow the procedure to view server tasks and select the task you wish to stop or restart.
- To stop a task, click Stop on the menu.
- To restart a task, click Restart on the menu.
Send a tell command to a server task
- Follow the procedure to view server tasks, and select the server task to which you want to send a tell command.
- On the menu, click Tell.
- In the Command field, type the command that you want to tell the task.
- Click Send on the menu or the screen associated with the selected server task.
Stop and restarting a port
- Follow the procedure to view server tasks.
- Scroll to and select a port that you want to stop or restart. On the menu, click Select.
- If you want to stop a running port, click Stop port on the menu.
- If you want to restart a port, select Restart port on the menu.
View a log server
- Select the Server icon from a view of the Domino partition you have selected to use.
- Select the Analysis icon.
- Select the log for the Domino server, and select the log that you want to view.
Manage server documents
You can view and edit Lotus Domino server documents with Mobile Admin. To view a server document, select the Configuration icon from a view of the Domino partition you have selected to use. Select the Server icon.
Edit the basics of a server document
- Follow the procedure to view a server document.
- Make your desired edits to the document in the information fields available, and click Save on the menu or the screen associated with the server document.
Edit the security settings of a server document
- Follow the procedure to view a server document.
- On the menu, click Security.
- Make the desired changes to the security settings, separating multiple entries in a field with commas.
- Click Save on the menu or on the screen associated with the security settings of the server document.
View and manage databases and templates
You can manage Domino databases and templates with Mobile Admin. To view a database, select the Files icon from a view of the Domino partition you have selected to use. Database files have the file extension .nsf. Scroll to and select the database file that you want to view.
Compact and fix up a database
Follow the procedure to view a database.
To compact the database select, click Compact on the menu.
To fixup the database, select Fixup from the menu.
Delete a database
- Follow the procedure to view a database.
- On the menu, click Delete.
View a template
- From a view of the Domino partition you wish to use, select the Files icon.
- Scroll to and select the template that you want to view. Templates have the file extension ntf.
Compact and fix up a template
Follow the procedure to view a template.
To compact the template, click Compact on the menu.
To fixup a template, click Fixup on the menu.
Delete a template
- Follow the procedure to view a template.
- On the menu, click Delete.
Send Domino console commands
You can send Domino console commands with Mobile Admin. To send a Domino Console command:
- From a view of the Domino partition you have selected to use, select the Server icon.
- Scroll to and select the Status icon.
- Scroll to and select the Server Console icon.
- Type the server command in the blank field and click Send.